News & updates
Great news: WE HAVE A DATE!
Launch Day for the CLZ / CovrPrice integration is OCTOBER 4 !!!
That’s less than 2 weeks from now… The teams at CLZ and CovrPrice cannot wait to show you all what we all have been working on for many many months.
In fact, we won’t wait… Sneak Preview screenshots below!
Status Update
Development on both sides is on schedule for the Oct 4 launch.
At CovrPrice, the API is up and running, just some administrative back-end tools that still need to be finalized.
At CLZ, the connection to the CovrPrice API is fully functional and up and running in the CLZ mobile app and the Comic Connect web-based software. We’re still working on the Comic Collector desktop software. After that it is just tweaking and tuning the UI and some back-end finalizations.
The big matching project, where we link up CLZ Core entries with CovrPrice entries, is still being worked on. But we have already matched so many comics, that we estimate that most users will get values for at least 80% of their collection!
(for comparison, when we still worked with “The Other Value Company That Shall Not Be Named”… this was at 25% to 30%)
Reminder: CLZ / CovrPrice: What’s it all about?
CLZ and CovrPrice are going to partner up. Once this integration is live, you will get comic values from CovrPrice INSIDE your CLZ app or software. Just run the Update Values tools (e.g. daily or weekly) and the values in your database will get updated LIVE from CovrPrice!
To get access to these comic values from CovrPrice, you will need a subscription to the CovrPrice “Premium” plan (US $6.95 per month or US $60 per year). You will also need an active subscription to your CLZ app or software. A grandfathered account will not suffice.
TIP: if you have questions about the integration, check our CLZ / CovrPrice FAQ.
Sign up for CovrPrice now, US $4 discount!
Just use this coupon code: CLZ2022
Follow the instructions below for the Promo!
1) Go to and sign up for the Free 10 Day trial
This will make you a BASIC (free) CovrPrice member, then…
2) After you’ve created a COVRPRICE account, click here for 30 days of Premium Membership for only $2.99 (coupon code: CLZ2022):
After 30 days your account will automatically revert to the $6.95/month account.
Sneak Preview screen shots of CLZ Comics 8.0
Choose Update Values from the menu, wait until the process completes and then this Updates Values report will appear, showing the comics that were updated, with the value change for each:
Values showing in the list view:
Values showing in Card View, in the Details Page and in the Edit screen:
Value totals in the Statistics screen:
The new Value tab layout of the Edit screen, with the CovrPrice value showing and the My Value field. Hit the refresh button to update just that value, e.g. after changing the Grade: