What's new in Comic Collector? 2022

CLZ Comics Mobile

CLZ Comics Wrap-up 2022

Dec 29, 2022

We’re closing in on the end of the year, so it is time for the

CLZ Comics Wrap-up 2022!

CLZ Justin has been gathering some stats and has created some nice top 10 lists for you.
These are the most popular 2022 comics and series based on your usage of the CLZ software:


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Comic Collector (Windows)

v23.2: ReLink Core Variant

Nov 02, 2022

Another update for your Comic Collector software, version 23.2, in which we introduce the “Re-Link Core Variant” feature, a new and easier way to link your local entries to a different variant in Core.

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Comic Collector (Windows)

v23.1.3: Couple of bug fixes

Oct 27, 2022


  • Edit Multiple could clear the CovrPrice Value field
  • Download settings for the Key information field was not remembered correctly
  • The “have-summary” wasn’t displayed correctly sometimes
  • On start up, a random comic could be selected sometimes

Comic Collector (Windows)

v23.1: Two improvements to the CovrPrice integration

Oct 24, 2022

Version 23.1 of of your Comic Collector software is now available for download. Based on your feedback and questions, we have made 2 big improvements to the CovrPrice integration, that is, to the way values are displayed in your software:

  • Improved value displaying for My Value entries
  • CovrPrice value box now also visible when CP value is 0

IMPORTANT: IMPORTANT: for the displaying of the CovrPrice links, the software now downloads “CovrPrice IDs” for all entries. This means that after your first Update Values action with v23.1, it will modify almost ALL your entries, causing a HUGE amount of changes when Syncing to the CLZ Cloud the next time!
TIP: before Updating Values for the 1st time with this version, switch OFF Auto-Syncing, then Update Values, then Sync with CLZ Cloud MANUALLY. This is much more efficient than letting it auto-sync. When done, feel free to switch ON the AutoSync again.

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Comic Collector (Windows)

v23.0.3: Fixed a sorting problem

Oct 07, 2022

The new CovrPrice Value field didn’t sort correctly. Now it does, including all other value fields!


  • The new CovrPrice Value field wasn’t sorting correctly

Comic Collector (Windows)

v23.0.2: Fixed a problem with converting from older versions

Oct 04, 2022

On startup some older databases could not be converted the the new version. All sorted in this build!


  • A crash could occur when updating from an older version with specific data the collection

Comic Collector (Windows)

v23.0: Get comic values from CovrPrice!

Oct 04, 2022

This is it, the big Launch Day of the CovrPrice integration!

As of today, you can get comic values from CovrPrice inside your Comic Collector software!

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CLZ Comics Mobile

CLZ / CovrPrice : Launch date -> October 4!!

Sep 23, 2022

Great news: WE HAVE A DATE!
Launch Day for the CLZ / CovrPrice integration is OCTOBER 4 !!!

That’s less than 2 weeks from now… The teams at CLZ and CovrPrice cannot wait to show you all what we all have been working on for many many months.
In fact, we won’t wait… Sneak Preview screenshots below!

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Just 5 weeks to go before the CovrPrice integration goes live in the CLZ app and software.
So today, a quick remember of the CovrPrice trial offer:

Wanna give COVRPRICE a try? – $4 discount on your first month!

Just use this coupon code: CLZ2022
Follow the instructions below for the Promo!

1) Go to https://covrprice.com/ and sign up for the Free 10 Day trial
This will make you a BASIC (free) CovrPrice member, then…

2) After you’ve created a COVRPRICE account, click here for 30 days of Premium Membership for only $2.99 (coupon code: CLZ2022):


After 30 days your account will automatically revert to the $6.95/month account.

IMPORTANT: please note that this is a trial of the CovrPrice.com website, so that you can research comics and check out their value system. You will not get values in your CLZ software yet, neither will the CovrPrice.com site automagically list your database.

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CLZ Comics Mobile

CLZ / CovrPrice FAQ

Aug 12, 2022

Let me try to answer the most common questions about the upcoming partnership between CLZ and CovrPrice (CP):

Q: To get comic values in my CLZ app/software, do I need a subscription to CovrPrice?
A: Yes, that is correct.
To get access to the comic values from CovrPrice, you will need a subscription to the CovrPrice “Premium” plan, which is US $6.95 per month or US $60 per year.
You will also need an active subscription to your CLZ app or software. A grandfathered account will not suffice.

Q: So does this mean I need to use two different sites or apps?
A: No, that is not necessary, you will get the comic values *inside* your CLZ app/software. You do not need to go to the CovrPrice site to see the values.
However, because of the CovrPrice subscription, you *will* have access to the all functionality of the CovrPrice site, like seeing values for all grades for raw and slabbed, checking on value trends, looking up the actual sales a value is based on, etc…

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CLZ Comics Mobile

CLZ / CovrPrice collaboration, August 11 update

Aug 11, 2022

September is getting closer, so time for an update about our upcoming collaboration with CovrPrice for comic values. But first, a quick summary:

CLZ / CovrPrice: What’s it all about?

CLZ and CovrPrice are going to work together, which will give you comic values from CovrPrice (for both raw and graded comics), right there in your favorite CLZ comic cataloging tool (CLZ Comics, Comic Connect or Comic Collector).

To get access to these comic values from CovrPrice, you will need a subscription to the CovrPrice “Premium” plan, which is US $6.95 per month or, when paid yearly, US $60 per year ($5/month).
You will also need an active subscription to your CLZ app or software. A grandfathered account will not suffice.

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Great news for all users of our comic cataloging tools:
We can finally reveal which 3rd party we are going to work with for the upcoming solutions for comic values!
We are proud and excited to announce that our new partner for comic values is….:


Yes, CLZ and COVRPRICE are going to work together, to provide you with the internet’s most reliable and up-to-date comic values, right there in your favorite comic cataloging tool!

This also means we can finally answer your most common questions:

  1. Will it only provide values for graded comics or for raw comics too?
  2. What will it cost?
  3. ETA???

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Comic Collector (Windows)

v22.2.6: Various bug fixes

May 30, 2022

In today’s update, no big new features. Instead, we decided to spend some time fixing a lot of outstanding issues. While we were at it, we also implemented some small tweaks requested by users. Here’s what’s tweaked and fixed:


  • Year folders now sort from most recent year to older
  • Transfer Field Data: It is now possible to transfer creators to the Notes field


  • Edit Character screen: Some data could appear in a huge font (DPI problems)
  • Linking an issue inside a TPB entry wasn’t working sometimes (it could remain showing as unlinked)
  • Adding an issue to a TPB entry always showed the “Add to Wish List” button instead of just an Add button
  • You can now add CLZSeriesID as a column (moet dit mentioned?)
  • Manage Pick Lists: counters for creators were doubling up every time a creator was used
  • Add Comics: an Access Violation error could occur when expanding multiple series results quickly
  • Sorting on “Last Bagged/Board Date” wasn’t working
  • Sorting on “Sold Date” wasn’t working
  • Edit in List: Fields could be cleared when modifying the column fields during editing in list
  • Edit in List: Fixed some problems with editing price/value fields
Comic Collector (Windows)

v22.2.5: Bug fixes

Apr 11, 2022


  • Various “Access Violation” errors fixed in the Link Comics screen
  • Edit Screen: File paths for missing cover images weren’t showing
  • Main Screen: filtering on Collection Status “Sold” didn’t show correct filter text in the bottom of the screen

Comic Collector (Windows)

v22.2.4: Various bug fixes

Mar 21, 2022


  • Various “Access Violation” errors fixed in the Link Comics screen
  • User Defined Fields: default values weren’t used when adding comics
  • Pre-fill: User Defined Fields weren’t remembered between sessions
  • Light Skin: Rating stars weren’t visible

Comic Collector (Windows)

v22.2.3: Various bug fixes

Mar 14, 2022


  • Edit screen: Pick list popups for certain fields didn’t remember their sort order
  • Pre-fill screen: It wasn’t possible to clear out certain fields (such as Tags)
  • Pre-fill wasn’t working after the “move to other collection status” popup
  • Print/Export of “Sold Date” field wasn’t working

Comic Collector (Windows)

v22.2.2: Bug fixes

Mar 03, 2022


  • The add/update settings screen didn’t fit on smaller screens
  • Fields in the Pre-fill screen could look bad on screens with high DPI

Another big update for your Comic Collector software already. Today, version 22.2 brings you 4 cool new features:

  • User-configurable Pre-fill screen: choose your own fields
  • More configuration settings for Add / Update from Core
  • An easier and quicker way of marking Series as Completed
  • Support for WebP images

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Comic Collector (Windows)

v22.1: Minor Keys vs Major Keys and Key Categories

Jan 12, 2022

The “Automatic key comic info” feature, introduced early November, has proven to be enormously popular… BUT it is also easily THE most controversial feature that we have ever introduced to any of our software titles!
Most users are loving the extra little trivia about their comics. But others are annoyed by too many comics being “key” for reasons that are not important enough in their opinion.

Soo… let’s see if we can improve this feature, so that we can remove most of the annoyance and make it useful for a larger part of our audience.
Today, we introduce the following improvements to the key comics feature:

  • Distinction between Minor Keys (blue icon) and Major Keys (yellow icon)
  • New “Key Category” field, automatically delivered from Core, e.g. “First appearance”, “Death”, “Cameo appearance”, “Iconic cover”, etc..
  • New “Update Key Info” tool in the CLZ Core, that is fully configurable (Minor/Major Keys, Allow Overwrite/Clear). No more need to use Update from Core.
  • Key icons now also show in issue lists in Add Comics screen.
  • New charts in Statistics screen, for Key Comics and Key Category.

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