What's new in Movie Collector? 2016

Easily add movies that come up as “Unrecognized Barcode”

  • In Add Movies Automatically, when a barcode is not recognized, a new “Unrecognized Barcode” screen will appear.
  • In this screen:
    1. Just find your movie by title (Search-As-You-Type is also active here!)
    2. Select the format (DVD, Blu-Ray, etc..)
    3. Use the integrated Find Cover tool to select the cover image.
    4. Then click Add Movie.
  • This will:
    1. Instantly add the barcode to OUR Core online movie database, connected to the movie you selected.
    2. Add the movie to YOUR database with full movie details, your barcode, format and image AND linked to the new Core entry.

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Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.1.8: Maintenance build

Dec 01, 2016


  • Main screen: switching from details to statistics would crash the program
  • Edit Screen: Manage Pick List Screen opened: Crash when removing an item from the list, and closing Edit Screen.

Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.1.7: Fixed a crash on startup

Nov 23, 2016


  • Program would crash on startup or load incorrectly for OS older than Sierra
Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.1.6: Improved the Trial Edition flow

Nov 22, 2016


  • Free Trial now has an information panel to show the user how to get started.
  • Trial Popup has been simplified to make it easier to pick one of the options.
  • The Trial Popup sometimes showed when it shouldn’t for existing users.

  • In Add Movies Automatically, when a barcode is not recognized, a new “Unrecognized Barcode” screen will appear.
  • In this screen:
    1. Just find your movie by title (Search-As-You-Type is also active here!)
    2. Select the format (DVD, Blu-Ray, etc..)
    3. Use the integrated Find Cover tool to select the cover image.
    4. Then click Add Movie.
  • This will:
    1. Instantly add the barcode to OUR Core online movie database, connected to the movie you selected.
    2. Add the movie to YOUR database with full movie details, your barcode, format and image AND linked to the new Core entry.

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Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.1.5: Fixed a scroll issue in text fields

Nov 02, 2016


  • Edit Screens: Memo text fields like Plot and Notes could not be scrolled up and down

Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.1.4: Some fixes for Add Automatically screen

Oct 24, 2016


  • Add Movies Automatically:
    • Movies were added without data and as “Untitled Movie” when adding several from the queue
    • After adding a result in queue mode the search wasn’t removed from the queue
    • Searching all entered barcodes in the queue could cause a crash

Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.1.3: Improved Add Automatically Screen

Oct 19, 2016

Improvements to Add Movies Automatically screen

  • Title searches: Search-As-You-Type suggestions drop-down now includes an extra entry
    “Show all results”, to take you directly to the “normal” title search results.

  • Title searches are now much faster, as the program does not download all edition listings for all movies anymore.
    It now downloads these “on demand”, only for the movie entries that you expand to see the edition list.


  • MacOS Sierra: When running the program in full screen mode popups were hidden below the program’s main screen.
  • The Edit screen sometimes crashed when trying to add a new feature under “Episodes & Features”
  • Add Movies Automatically:
    • Search As You Type: Auto select has been disabled as it was causing confusion.
    • Region filter didn’t work.


  • Quick search now also supports Regular Expressions. Enter “matches:” followed by regular expression in the quick search box.
  • Free Trial now has an information panel to show the user how to get started.
  • Trial Popup has been simplified to make it easier to pick one of the options.
  • The Trial Popup sometimes showed when it shouldn’t for existing users.


  • Linking Movies with Core: a barcode search that resulted in several results couldn’t be expanded
  • Export to XML: exporting could cause an “Invalid Pointer Operation” error

Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.1.2: Fixed “Check for Updates” on Sierra and more

Sep 19, 2016


  • Check for Updates was broken for macOS Sierra.
  • Templates were broken when User Defined Field headers contained special characters.
  • Add Automatically: “Search as you Type” results didn’t show the release year and title in macOS Lion and below.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.4.4: More improvements to Add Movies Automatically screen

Sep 13, 2016

  • Title searches: Search-As-You-Type suggestions drop-down now includes an extra entry “Show all results”, to take you directly to the “normal” title search results.
  • Title searches are now much faster, as the program does not download all edition listings for all movies anymore. It now downloads these “on demand”, only for the movie entries that you expand to see the edition list.
  • Previewing a result is now much faster too.


  • Export to XML is now capable of exporting large databases without “Out of Memory” errors, as it now writes the XML directly to hard disk. This is a bit slower though.
  • Add/Modify Filter: “Contains” filters were always case insensitive even when “case sensitive” was checked.
  • Edit Multiple: F8 didn’t clear price values.

New: “Search-As-You-Type” suggestions when adding movies by title

If you are adding most of your movies “By Title”, then this will be a huge time-saver.

Here’s how the new “Search-As-You-Type” feature works:

  1. In the Add Movies Automatically screen, just start typing the first letters of the title you want to add.
  2. While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the five most popular titles that match,
    including the release year and a small thumbnail image.
  3. For recent / popular movies, it usually takes only 2 or 3 letter before it shows up.
    For older or less popular movies, type a few more letters.
  4. Once you see your movie appear, use the arrow keys to select it, then hit Enter.
  5. Then under Search Results, that exact movie will be listed, automatically Previewed on the right.
  6. Click the Add Selected button to add it to your database.

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Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.4.2: various fixes

Aug 16, 2016


  • Main Screen: a double hint was showing for the thumbnail slider to resize thumbnails in Images View
  • Cloud Sync: log messages weren’t showing any more
  • User Defined Fields: values of check box lists were not loaded correctly in some cases


  • Program could throw a “Handle is invalid” error after multiple edits
  • Add Movie Automatically: wrong entries could be removed from the queue after adding movies in “queue mode”

If you are adding most of your movies “By Title”, then this will be a huge time-saver.

Here’s how the new “Search-As-You-Type” feature works:

  1. In the Add Movies Automatically screen, just start typing the first letters of the title you want to add.
  2. While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the five most popular titles that match,
    including the release year and a small thumbnail image.
  3. For recent / popular movies, it usually takes only 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.
    For older or less popular movies, type a few more letters.
  4. Once you see your movie appear, use the arrow keys to select it, then hit Enter.
  5. Then under Search Results, that exact movie will be listed, automatically Previewed on the right.
  6. Click the Add Selected button to add it to your database.

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  • Cloud Syncing: Now does up to 5 retries when a sync action fails because of a temporary connection problem.
  • Edit Movie: Improved “search as you type” behaviour of search boxes for adding cast and crew.
  • Dark Skin: active window now has a light grey border, making it stand out more when windows overlap.


  • Add Automatically: adding a checked result would sometimes uncheck a result from another search in the queue.
  • Main Screen / Two Panel Mode: selection status text would sometimes show an invalid text when no movies were showing in the list.
  • Edit Multiple: F8 to clear didn’t work for memo fields like Plot and Notes.
  • Edit Multiple: F8 in Movie format field would also clear Disc format field of first disc.
  • Main Screen: “Edit in List” feature made it seem like “Extra Features” could be edited but it shouldn’t be editable.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.3.13: just a small maintenance build

Aug 02, 2016


  • Export to HTML/Printing would throw a “Field id 123 has no XML tagname.” error for the “Is TV Series” field
  • Add automatically: adding a checked result would sometimes uncheck a result from another search in the queue
  • Main Screen: selection status text would sometimes show an invalid text in two panel mode when no movies were showing in the list
  • Screen started to “flicker” after leaving the program inactive for a few minutes.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.3.12: Some fixes to templates, cloud syncing and editing

Jul 19, 2016


  • Carbon templates: Links and Tags labels were missing
  • Sync with Cloud: Down syncing a TV Series would uncheck the “Is TV Series” field
  • Edit Movie: Previous/Next/Ok could mess up data when the edit screen was still loading

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.3.11: Editing, exporting and font size fixes

Jul 07, 2016


  • Edit Movie/Episode: :
    • Some interface elements didn’t fit in the edit screen
    • Checkbox List hints would sometimes not disappear
  • Export to HTML: access violation could occur in some cases when using a custom index template
  • Main Screen: changing font size could make some screen elements disappear

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.3.10: One tweak, multiple fixes

Jul 01, 2016


  • Date Fields: Year field’s position now also depends on system’s shortdate setting


  • Edit Movie/Episode: :
    • Date fields didn’t clear their Month and Day values using next/previous when they weren’t filled in for the next/previous item
    • Delete key didn’t work in Month and Day fields to clear their values. Backspace did work normally.
  • Details View: Popup with episode image didn’t always show the right caption when clicking the episode image in the template

  • Date fields now have dropdowns for Month and Day. Order of Month and Day dropdown depends on system’s shortdate setting now


  • Edit Movie:
    • some fields didn’t keep their focus when using next/previous
    • Move Up/Down in Online and Local Links sometimes didn’t work
  • Edit Multiple: F8 in date fields didn’t clear them
  • Centurion Carousel: “Operation not allowed on sorted list” error when trying to check in disc
  • Main Screen:
    • horizontal scrollbar was sometimes showing in folder tree when it shouldn’t
    • Cards View: scrolling using the mouse wheel wasn’t working properly
    • layout wasn’t always restored properly when quick filter panel was showing
  • Quick Filter Panel: collection status filter wasn’t showing in filter description at bottom of the screen

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.3.8: “List index out of bounds” fix and other fixes

Jun 20, 2016


  • Edit Movie:
    • “List index out of bounds” error when deleting an episode when it was the only one.
    • “List index out of bounds” error when deleting a local link could occur.
  • Main screen:
    • Right click popup menu to customize toolbar didn’t show.
    • Sometimes the screen layout wasn’t restored properly after start of program.
  • Filter panel: closing the filter panel didn’t reset the Collection Status filter.
  • Lookup Grid: filtering the dropdown then using the arrow keys to select name didn’t update the dropdown’s text.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.3.7: More Quick Filter panel tweaks

Jun 16, 2016

  • Quick Filter panel is now opened/closed using a new button on the toolbar (to the left of the folders button). No more automatic sliding when moving the mouse.
  • Smoother filter sliders (Ratings, Year, Running Time)


  • Opening then closing the Quick Filter panel could change the width of the other panels.
  • Minimizing a full screen program, then restoring would not restore to full screen.
  • Weird problems while resizing program windows.
  • Main Screen: Cover flow had a white background with Light and Sytem Skin (now black again).
  • Edit Multiple Movies: “Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window” could occur when clearing a check list with F8.
  • Switching to or starting in System skin didn’t always refresh Details Panel.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.3.6: Fix for “maximized mode” problems

Jun 15, 2016


  • View problem: when starting the program with the main screen in “maximized” mode,
    some panels where not filled correctly (list panel, toolbar).

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.3.5: Add Automatically fix

Jun 14, 2016


  • Add Automatically: It wasn’t possible to select a result from the result list.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.3.4: Quick Filter panel tweaks

Jun 14, 2016

  • The opening and closing of the panel is now much smoother.
  • It’s now less likely that the panel opens inadvertently,
    as the “responsive area” is now smaller and there is slight delay before it reacts.

  • Now automatically slides back when not clicked.


  • Edit Movie screen:
    • Episode list columns could not be resized.
    • Some field values were showing in bold.
    • On User Defined tab, the check box lists were not scrollable.
    • Check box lists didn’t show hints for items that were too wide to fit.
    • Date fields were showing a ‘0’ for empty Month and Day. Will now only show when Month or Day field has focus
  • Images View in Classic mode now also has a dark background while using Dark Skin.
  • Quick Filter panel: Collection status filter was reset after panel moved open and closed.
  • Vee Eight template: font size was too small.
  • Add Automatically: Search Queue info was not updated after selecting a result.
  • Import from Other Collection: Episode First Air Date and Episode Viewing Date year values were not importing.

Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.0.8: Maintenance build

Jun 14, 2016


  • Main Screen: 2 Panels Horizontal Layout: view sizes were not restored.
  • Add Automatically: By barcode: Sometimes a new movie was added without barcode.
  • Manage Pick Lists: sometimes no warning was shown for duplicated items.
  • CLZ Cloud Sync: Fixed a crash when down-syncing a new movie.
  • 2 Panels Mode: Folders were always sorted by article.
  • Folders: Preference “Ignore SortName of Person Item” was not working.

Quick Filter panel tweaks

The panel now allows you to keep the selected filter active after closing the panel.
To do so, use the new “Keep Active” checkbox at the bottom of the panel.


  • Some cosmetic fixes to the Skins:
    • Light and System Skins: gridlines in main screen list are now more subtle (light gray).
    • Light Skin: now also has alternating row colors, just like the Dark Skin
    • Dark Skin: Toolbar mouse-over tool tips were hard to read.
  • Edit Movie screen:
    • On Links tab, the URL and Description columns were switched around. Type columns was missing.
    • Storage Devices: “Find available slot” was disabled even though a storage device was selected.
  • Add Movies Automatically screen:
    • Screen now opens (much) faster.
      (The New Releases tab contained many erroneous entries,
      making the loading of list and the screen very slow.)

    • Dark Skin: white panels showing while loading.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.3.2: Light Skin now use black front instead of gray

Jun 08, 2016

Fixed: The gray font in the Light Skin has been changed to a black font.

NEW: Movies vs TV Series

While talking to our loyal users, we often hear that, on their shelves, they are separating their movies and TV series. Hey, I do the same myself 🙂

However, in Movie Collector, the two are always all mixed together in the same list. So we figured, why not allow users to separate their TV Series in Movie Collector too?

So here’s what we created for v16.3:

  • Use the new “Is TV Series?” field in the Edit Movie screen to make a distinction between your TV Series and other entries.
  • Then use folders (or the new Quick Filter panel!) to show TV Series only, other entries only (or all together).

Please note:

  • The “Is TV Series” field will be automatically set for new entries that you add from Core using the Add Movies Automatically screen.
  • For existing entries in your database, the “Is TV Series” field will be automatically set based on the presence of either an episode list or a thetvdb.com link. You may want to check your entries though, to see if the automatic system missed some TV Series.

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  • Templates: Template: Barcode icon was missing
  • Main Screen: Edit in List
    • un(checking) checkbox lists didn’t trigger a “sync change”
    • changing “Seen It” and “Changing Date” didn’t trigger a “sync change”
  • Cards View: the new cover was not displayed using Find Cover
  • Add Auto: sometimes not selected queue items were also added using “Add Selected” in queue mode
  • Export to Text: Running Time was not displaying in correct format

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.2.4: Various fixes

Apr 21, 2016


  • Main Screen:
    • Card View wasn’t available in French
    • Scrolling the Details View with the mouse wheel would scroll the list when the scroll bar reached the top
  • Sync with Cloud: cancelling sync didn’t always work

Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.0.6: Added a new menu option and some fixes

Apr 19, 2016


  • New Maintenance tool: Tools > Maintenance > Open database location
  • Add/Update Automatically: Musician and Cinematographer values were not downloaded
  • Automatically Close Add Auto screen after queue is emptied was not working
  • List Sorting: Empty values were not sorted correctly

Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.0.5: Ultra HD Blu-Ray 4K now visible

Apr 05, 2016


  • “Ultra HD Blu-ray” icon was not visible
  • Add auto screen: “Collection Status” setting was not working properly
  • Images View: Newly added items with “Add Automatically” were not selected

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.2.3: Various fixes

Apr 04, 2016


  • Main Screen: “All/Collection/Wish List” tabs were missing.
  • Add Movie: searching for a movie would always preselect and tick first movie.
  • Translation file still contained some wrong French translations.
  • Cast/Crew Grids: font didn’t change when using non standard DPI settings on Windows 7.
Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.2.2: Cards View selection fix

Mar 30, 2016


  • Main Screen Cards View: selection wasn’t always restored properly
  • Quick search:
    • Pasting text into quick search box didn’t show the clear button
    • Escape button will now clear quick search
  • Translation file contained wrong French translation

Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.0.4: Fixed some template issues and more

Mar 22, 2016


  • Templates: Changing Seen It/Rating didn’t trigger a change for syncing.
  • Templates: 2 panels mode with selected folder: selection was lost after changing “Seen It”.
  • Templates: Online Links: “https” URLs didn’t open.
  • Edit in List: Edit Rating was not working.
  • Cover Flow panel now has a black background.
  • Performance: Statistics are no longer updated if not necessary.
  • Sort Sets selection was sometimes lost after restarting the app.
  • Main Screen: “Collection status” filter selection was not remembered after restarting the app.

Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.0.3: Added menu item for Card View

Mar 07, 2016


  • Menu: “View > Cards” item was missing.
  • Cards View was not working on Mavericks.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.2.1: New view for the main screen: Card View

Feb 24, 2016

Next to List View, Images View and Cover Flow, we have added a Card View, a multi-column view with little info cards for each movie, showing the main movie details and a small cover thumbnail.


  • Export to CLZ Movies: when decimal separator was set to ‘,’ the IMDB rating didn’t export properly
  • Edit Movie: F6 to auto capitalize the movie title wasn’t working
  • Update File Links: Episode image links are now also included
  • Add Automatically: right click menu didn’t popup when there were no results showing

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.2.1: Introducing: Card View for the main screen

Feb 24, 2016

New view for the main screen: Card View

Next to List View, Images View and Cover Flow, we have added a Card View, a multi-column view with little info cards for each movie, showing the main movie details and a small cover thumbnail.


  • Export to CLZ Movies: when decimal separator was set to ‘,’ the IMDB rating didn’t export properly
  • Edit Movie: F6 to auto capitalize the movie title wasn’t working
  • Update File Links: Episode image links are now also included
  • Add Automatically: right click menu didn’t popup when there were no results showing

Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.0.2: Fixed a crash in List View

Feb 17, 2016


  • List View could crash after opening the program, making it seem like no database was open.

Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.0.1: Movie Collector V16: Quicksilver

Feb 17, 2016

New view for the main screen: Card View

Next to List View, Images View and Cover Flow, we have added a Card View, a multi-column view with little info cards for each movie, showing the main movie details and a small cover thumbnail.

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