What's new in Music Collector? (page 6)

Music Collector (macOS)

v16.1.9: Fixed a bug in exporting XML

Feb 02, 2017


  • Export XML: XML was not exported correctly.
  • Edit Screen: Cover Popups were not always prompted on macOS Sierra.

Music Collector (macOS)

v16.1.8: Improved Edit Screen and Templates and more

Jan 17, 2017


  • Edit Screen:
    • Composition Table: columns could not be resized beyond certain size.
    • Tracks Screen: column widths were not remembered.
    • Edit Track Screen: Credits: Roles were sometimes reverted to “Engineer”.
  • Add Music Files: artists with accents were not imported.
  • Play music: tracks were not played in the right order on iTunes when playing an album.
  • Discs, Headers & Tracks total time didn’t include subtracks time.
  • Templates:
    • Cobalt and Carbon templates: Choruses were not always displayed.
    • Templates: Fixed naming of discs in single- vs. multi-disc albums.

Music Collector (Windows)

16.4.4: Fixed crashes during Check for Update

Jan 04, 2017


  • Crashes during Check for Update process
  • Edit Album: Some combobox functionality for “Vinyl Color” field didn’t work

Music Collector (macOS)

v16.1.7: Maintenance build

Jan 03, 2017


  • Cards View: Quick Search didn’t filter the cards in the list.
  • First Letter folder option was not using the Sort Names.
  • Loan Manager Screen: Search was not working.
  • Sierra: Full Screen Mode: “Add Cover” popup appears under the Edit Screen.
  • Internal Images: Templates images were not updated after editing an item.
  • When no internet connection was available, app was launched in Trial Mode.

Music Collector (Windows)

v16.4.3: Fixed an issue in tag reading and more

Jan 02, 2017


  • Tag reading music files: in rare cases some text tags like Artist and Title were not read properly because of different encoding
  • person grids: adding a person with a display name that existed multiple times, would sometimes save the wrong one
  • Templates: subtitle in details template is now on a separate line
  • Edit Album:
    • On User Defined Fields tab, “_[Add pick list item]_” didn’t work for comboboxes
    • Changing the role for a credit would mark all albums dirty where that person appeared instead of just the edited album
  • Manage Pick Lists: removing pick list items didn’t mark their corresponding albums as modified
  • Main Screen:
    • accelerator keys in main menu (like “ALT+F” for files menu) didn’t work
    • selection text at bottom of screen wasn’t always properly updated

Music Collector (macOS)

v16.1.6: Fixed a size problem for columns

Dec 22, 2016


  • Main Screen: after resizing the first column too much, the text was no longer readable
  • Edit Album: Closing the edit screen could cause a crash on El Capitan
Music Collector (macOS)

v16.1.5: Fixed a crash in the statistics panel

Dec 01, 2016


  • Main screen: switching from details to statistics would crash the program

Music Collector (macOS)

v16.1.4: Fixed a crash on startup

Nov 23, 2016


  • Program would crash on startup or load incorrectly for OS older than Sierra
Music Collector (macOS)

v16.1.3: Improved the Trial Edition flow

Nov 22, 2016


  • Free Trial now has an information panel to show the user how to get started.
  • Trial Popup has been simplified to make it easier to pick one of the options.
  • The Trial Popup sometimes showed when it shouldn’t for existing users.


  • Edit Album: remove track didn’t work any more after the Edit Track screen had been opened in macOS Sierra.

Music Collector (Windows)

v16.4.2: Improvements to trial version and quick search

Nov 10, 2016


  • Quick search now also supports Regular Expressions. Enter “matches:” followed by regular expression in the quick search box.
  • Free Trial now has an information panel to show the user how to get started.
  • Trial Popup has been simplified to make it easier to pick one of the options.
  • The Trial Popup sometimes showed when it shouldn’t for existing users.


  • Export to CLZ Music: track lengths were not exported

Music Collector (macOS)

v16.1.2: Fixed scrolling issues in some fields

Nov 02, 2016


  • Some memo text fields like Notes could not be scrolled up or down

CLZ Cloud: Now stores and syncs *your* track lists

  • The CLZ Cloud system now supports the storing and syncing of track lists.
    (previously, track lists were always shared from Core)

  • For each track, the CLZ Cloud now stores Title, Artist and Length.
  • Now store and sync your own customized track titles and artists.
  • Now store and sync track lists for unlinked albums (e.g. manually entered or imported).
  • NOTE: after updating your Music Collector software, ALL your albums will be flagged as CHANGED,
    so that they will be re-uploaded to the CLZ Cloud!

BTW: To sync track lists to the CLZ Music app, you need
version 4.2.4 for iOS or version 4.3.6 for Android! (both released today)

CLZ Cloud: Improved syncing of Artist Sort Names

  • Improved storing of Album Artists in the CLZ Cloud.
  • Now correctly sync Artist Sort Names to/from the mobile apps.
  • Fixed: difference in sorting between folder panel and album panel in the CLZ Cloud viewer.

Music Collector (macOS)

v16.1.1: Added personal track list syncing to CLZ Cloud

Oct 24, 2016

CLZ Cloud: Now stores and syncs *your* track lists

  • The CLZ Cloud system now supports the storing and syncing of track lists.
    (previously, track lists were always shared from Core)
  • For each track, the CLZ Cloud now stores Title, Artist and Length.
  • Now store and sync your own customized track titles and artists.
  • Now store and sync track lists for unlinked albums (e.g. manually entered or imported).
  • NOTE: after updating your Music Collector software, ALL your albums will be flagged as CHANGED,
    so that they will be re-uploaded to the CLZ Cloud!

BTW: To sync track lists to the CLZ Music app, you need
version 4.2.4 for iOS or version 4.3.6 for Android! (both released today)

CLZ Cloud: Improved syncing of Artist Sort Names

  • Improved storing of Album Artists in the CLZ Cloud.
  • Now correctly sync Artist Sort Names to/from the mobile apps.
  • Fixed: difference in sorting between folder panel and album panel in the CLZ Cloud viewer.

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  • Add/Link Music Files: now uses a different dialog for choosing the folders to scan, that should be loading the folder structure faster

Music Collector (macOS)

v16.0.9: Fixed “Check for Updates” on Sierra and more

Sep 19, 2016


  • Check for Updates was broken for macOS Sierra.
  • Templates were broken when User Defined Field headers contained special characters.
  • Templates: Inherited album composers were displayed at tracks level.
  • Edit Screen: autocomplete feature is now available for composer field too.
  • Fixed a crash when main list (expanded up to the tracks level) was sorted by Format.

Music Collector (Windows)

v16.3.10: Export to XML is now more efficient and some fixes

Sep 13, 2016


  • Export to XML is now capable of exporting large databases without “Out of Memory” errors, as it now writes the XML directly to hard disk. This is a bit slower though.
  • Sync with Cloud: Live and Rare fields were cleared when syncing down from the cloud
  • Add/Modify Filter: “Contains” filters were always case insensitive even when “case sensitive” was checked
  • Edit Multiple: F8 didn’t clear price values


  • Program could throw a “Handle is invalid” error after multiple edits


  • Main Screen:
    • The folder tree was wrapping the values in the list
    • A double hint was showing for the thumbnail slider to resize thumbnails in Images View
  • When working offline, closing the program could cause Access Violations
  • User Defined Fields: values of check box lists were not loaded correctly in some cases


  • Cloud Syncing: Now does up to 5 retries when a sync action fails because of a temporary connection problem.
  • Edit Album: Improved “search as you type” behaviour of search boxes for adding artists, composers, etc…
  • Dark Skin: active window now has a light grey border, making it stand out more when windows overlap.


  • Screen started to “flicker” after leaving the program inactive for a few minutes.
  • Add Automatically: adding a checked result would sometimes uncheck a result from another search in the queue.
  • Main Screen / Two Panel Mode: selection status text would sometimes show an invalid text when no albums were showing in the list.
  • Edit Multiple: F8 to clear didn’t work for memo fields like Plot and Notes.

Music Collector (Windows)

v16.3.6: Some fixes for the Edit Album screen

Jul 19, 2016


  • Edit Album:
    • Changing collection status sometimes would uncheck a radiobutton but not check the selected one
    • Previous/Next/Ok could mess up data when the edit screen was still loading
  • Add/Link Albums: in rare occasions the program could crash

Music Collector (Windows)

v16.3.5: Fixed an access violation error and more

Jul 07, 2016


  • Export to HTML: access violation could occur in some cases when using a custom index template
  • Edit Screen: Checkbox List hints would sometimes not disappear
  • Main Screen: changing font size could make some screen elements disappear

Music Collector (Windows)

v16.3.4: More updates to the date fields and some fixes

Jul 01, 2016


  • Date Fields: Year field’s position now also depends on system’s short date setting


  • Edit Screens:
    • Date fields didn’t clear their Month and Day values using next/previous when they weren’t filled in for the next/previous item
    • Delete key didn’t work in Month and Day fields to clear their values. Backspace did work normally.

Music Collector (Windows)

v16.3.3: Updated date fields and fixed a couple of bugs

Jun 30, 2016


  • Date fields now have dropdowns for Month and Day. Order of Month and Day dropdown depends on system’s shortdate setting now


  • Edit Multiple: F8 in date fields didn’t clear them
  • Main Screen:
    • horizontal scrollbar was sometimes showing in folder tree when it shouldn’t
    • Cards View: scrolling using the mouse wheel wasn’t working properly
    • layout wasn’t always restored properly when quick filter panel was showing
  • Quick Filter Panel:
    • collection status filter wasn’t showing in filter description at bottom of the screen
    • Release Year filter couldn’t be set when Year list contained non-numerical values
      • Edit Album: Tracks table wasn’t following font size changes
      • Edit Track: Genre list was showing grey box when using “System” skin setting

Music Collector (Windows)

v16.3.2: Some fixes for the Edit / Add and Print screen

Jun 23, 2016


  • Edit Album: Index number was cleared after editing
  • Printing from the menu threw a “class TPageControl not found” error
  • Add Albums Automatically: the search queue was showing Catalog Number instead of Artist and Barcode was showing twice

NEW: Choose between Light, Dark or System skins

Yes, We’re getting rid of the gray!

Music Collector now comes with a skin system, which affects the look of all screens in the program,
main screen, edit screens, add auto-screen, sync screen etc.. even the settings screens.

We have designed two different skins for you to choose from: Light and Dark.
The third option “System” is basically the old pre-v16.3 look.

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