NEW: Choose between Light, Dark or System skins

Yes, We’re getting rid of the gray!

Game Collector now comes with a skin system, which affects the look of all screens in the program,
main screen, edit screens, add auto-screen, sync screen etc.. even the settings screens.

We have designed two different skins for you to choose from: Light and Dark.
The third option “System” is basically the old pre-v16.3 look.

  • Light: A clean look, white backgrounds, dark fonts. Very readable, easy on the eye.
  • Dark: A cool looking, modern design, with dark backgrounds, light fonts.
  • System: Keep things as it was, with the program following your Windows theme.

Please note:
The program now defaults to the Dark Skin. You can change to a different Skin using the Skin option in the View menu.

NEW: Quick Filter panel in main screen

The Alphabet Bar, launched about a year ago, is still one of the most popular tools, as it helps you to instantly list just the games for which the Title starts with a particular letter. So we expanded on that idea:

Today’s update introduces the Quick Filter panel, a new panel on the left side of the main screen, that lets you easily “zoom in” to a sub-set of your collection.

  • Open the Quick Filter panel using the new button on the toolbar
    (2nd toolbar row, leftmost button)

  • Quick Filters are available for the following fields:
    • Collection Status (All / Collection / Wish List)
      (this replaces the tabs at the bottom left)

    • Game vs Hardware
    • Completed: Yes vs No
    • My Rating
    • Publication Year

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