Today, a subtle addition to your Game Connect software, but one that can save you a lot of time if you’re always adding your games by barcode:

A new “Add [..] to Collection” button under the add queue, that lets you add all scanned games in one go. No more need to click the little “+” buttons for each entry.

Some other improvements:

At the same time, some other tweaks went live in your software:

  • In the “fixed” area at the bottom of the Edit Game screen, we replaced the Owner field with the Location field.

    Through user feedback we found that the Location field is used by many more users, compared to Owner. Also many new users were not finding the field. So we figured the Location field deserved a more prominent spot in the Edit Game screen.
    BTW: the Owner field can now be found on the Personal tab.

  • The User Rating field has received a make-over and can now be set using a nice sliding star thingie.

Recent changes
