CLZ Music Web

Search box now searches your tracks too!

Nov 21, 2019

Wait what? Track searching in Music Connect? Yes, it is finally here!

For many years, the most requested missing feature for Music Connect and CLZ Cloud has been the ability to search for track titles and track artists. The main reason for the lack of a track search has always been performance. Searching a cloud database with over 500 million (!!) songs is not an easy task 🙁

However, a few months ago we finally decided to start on this huge and challenging project.
And I am happy to announce that we found a solution that works! We have created a humongous new search index for the music cloud data, that now includes track titles and track artists. A new flexible search engine is now available behind your familiar search box that lets you search album details, track details or both.

As of today, the new search engine is live in your account, and it is FAST!

Choose between 3 Search Types

Use the new “search type” selector on the left of the search box to choose to search:

  • Albums
  • Tracks
  • or both: Albums & Tracks

Track highlighting

After searching for tracks, click one of the resulting albums and the track that match will be highlighted in your album details panel.

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