Here’s my second “v9 feature hilite” email, about another area of improvement in last week’s CLZ Music v9 release.

(tip: if you missed yesterday’s feature hilite #1 about the collection tab-bar, you can read it here).

Today, we are going to discuss the various improvements we implemented for the Add Albums screen:

  • Quick “Confirm” pop-ups, instead of full screen Preview pages
  • Search results now also show the number of discs, making it easier to spot multi-disc album entries
  • Improved process of combining discs into a multi-disc album
  • Adding by Barcode: Faster camera scanner for scanning barcodes

Adding Albums: quick “Confirm” pop-ups, instead of full screen Preview pages

Adding albums, either by Artist/Title, by Barcode or by Catalog Number is now a bit snappier and easier, since we removed the full screen Preview page and replaced with a quick “Confirm” popup that just slides in where you are. No more tapping back and forth between search results and Preview panel.

Note: the Confirm popup fully supports “self-combined” multi-disc albums, so that you can actually preview the full album that you created, with all discs and tracks!

Adding Album: Search results now also show the number of discs

All search results now not only show the number of tracks but also the number of discs, making it easier to spot multi-disc album entries.

Adding Albums: Improved process of combining discs into a multi-disc album

Some multi-disc albums nicely appear in the search results as actual albums with multiple discs in them. This is the case for most entries retrieved from

But… for other multi-discs albums, the discs appear as separate results for each disc. The CLZ Music app has supported the “combining” of those discs into a multi-disc album for quite a while. But the process of doing so was a bit clunky and unclear, with no preview of the resulting album before adding. Also, it did not give you any control over the order of the discs.

So we decided to spend a couple weeks re-designing the UI for this and re-building the system from scratch:

  • Checkbox discs and they will automatically be numbered, 1, 2, 3… while you tap.
  • Easily change the order by unchecking / checking.
  • Preview the created multi-disc album in the Confirm sheet.

Adding by Barcode: Faster camera scanner for scanning barcodes

Adding CDs and vinyl records by scanning their barcodes is one the main features of the app and an essential part of that is the camera barcode scanner.
For this update, our mobile app developer Pim has spent a few days optimizing that camera barcode scanner. The idea was to make better use of the power of today’s devices, both in terms of camera resolution and computing power.
And the results of his tweaks are amazing. The scanner is now much faster!

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