Earlier this year, we updated our Connect software to make it fully localizable / translatable. Shortly after, we went live with Dutch and German version of Connect.

Today, after the hard work of three loyal CLZ users, three more language options went live on the site:

  • French
  • Spanish
  • Hungarian

Thank you, Philippe, Rafael and Pető!!

More languages will be coming up soon, as other users are working on Italian, Danish and Serbian translations.

We need your feedback on these translations!

If you are using Connect in one of the extra language options and you spot an error, or something that looks strange, please report it there.

That way, we can keep improving the translated versions.

Wanna help translating Connect to more languages?

We’d love to add more language options to Connect. So if you would like to help translation Connect to your language, please contact us here

In particular, we are looking for people who can translate Connect into Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and Portuguese.

Recent changes
