New Comic Book Day, the best day of the week! We worked on 439 new releases with 200 actual new unique issues. Marvel gives us 6 tie-ins for their Blood Hunt event this week. Ain’t No Grave #1 releases this week from Image Comics, a creation from Skottie Young and Jorge Corona. Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees comes to an end with #6. DC Comics’ Batman #147 continues on Amanda Waller’s antics where we get to see a new creation from Failsafe…
All new books are now available in the CLZ Core online database, easily found through your trusted Add Comics screen. TIP: use the Pull List tab in the Add Comics screen to see all this week’s releases in one place!
Highlights for NCBD week 19
New issues for big titles:
These are the new issues for the most popular titles:
- The Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 6 #49
- Batman, Vol. 3 #147
- Wolverine, Vol. 7 #49
- Venom, Vol. 5 #33
- Transformers (Image) #8
- Daredevil, Vol. 8 #9
Most variants
Red Sonja: Empire of the Damned #2, with 16 variants, listed from 2A to 2Q!
New series:
And here are all the issues #1 for new series this week:
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Black, White & Green #1 with 13 variants
- Crocodile Black #1 with 7 variants
- Amory Wars: No World for Tomorrow #1 with 6 variants
- Energon Universe 2024 Special #1 with 6 variants
- Faith Returns #1 with 5 variants
- The Valiants #1 with 5 variants
- Betty and Veronice: Friends Forever – Fairy Tales #1 with 4 variants
- Giant-Size X-Men (2024) #1 with 4 variants
- The Witcher: Corvo Bianco #1 with 4 variants
- Ain’t No Grave #1 with 3 variants
- Blood Hunters #1 with 3 variants
- Dracula: Blood Hunt #1 with 3 variants
- Strange Academy: Blood Hunt #1 with 3 variants
- The Boy Wonder #1 with 3 variants
- Mugshots (Mad Cave) #1 with 2 variants
Cool new exclusives:
Our picks of some cool new exclusive variants:
- Poison Ivy, Vol. 1 #22F: Iván Talavera Exclusive Variant
- Deadpool, Vol. 9 #2H: Skan Srisuwan Exclusive Variant (Ltd. 800)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Black, White & Green #1J: Javan Jordan Exclusive Variant
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