Today is New Comic Book Day, so here is our weekly overview of new issues and new series. Including one new series that starts off with 69 variants (!!!) for issue one!
In total, today brings 422 new releases for only 163 actual unique issues. You can find all of them in your Add Comics screen now. Or better yet, browse them all using the Add screen’s Pull List tab!
Highlights for NCBD week 6
New issues for big titles:
These are the new issues for the most popular titles:
- Batman, Vol. 3 #142
- X-Men, Vol. 5 #31
- Venom, Vol. 5 #30
- The Walking Dead Deluxe #82
- Gunslinger Spawn #28
- Vampirella, Vol. 6 #666
- House of Slaughter #21
- Poison Ivy, Vol. 1 #19
- Fantastic Four, Vol. 7 #17
- Avengers, Vol. 9 #10
- Doctor Strange, Vol. 6 #12
- Rogue Sun #18
- Scooby-Doo… Where Are You!, Vol. 3 #126
- Captain America, Vol. 11 #6
- The Sensational She-Hulk, Vol. 2 #5
Most variants
This week, we have a BIG one:
Thundercats (Dynamite Entertainment) #1, with 69 variants, listed from 1A to 1ZH!
New series:
Many new issues #1 for new series this week:
- Thundercats (Dynamite Entertainment) #1 with 69 variants
- Archie’s Valentine’s Spectacular 2024 #1 with 19 variants
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #1 with 12 variants
- Ultimate Black Panther #1 with 7 variants
- The Dillinger Escape Plan’s #1 with 6 variants
- Star Wars: Mace Windu #1 with 5 variants
- Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum #1 with 5 variants
- DC’s How to Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days #1 with 4 variants
- U & I #1 with 4 variants
- Wolverine: Madripoor Knights #1 with 4 variants
- Godzilla: Valentine’s Day Special #1 with 3 variants
- My Little Pony: Classics Reimagined – Valentine’s Day Special, Romeo & Juliet #1 with 3 variants
- Duke (Skybound) #1 with 2 variants
- Saucer Country: The Finale #1 with 2 variants
- The One Hand #1 with 2 variants
Cool new exclusives:
Our picks of some cool new exclusive variants:
- Batman, Vol. 3 #142G: Tiago Da Silva Exclusive Variant
- X-Men, Vol. 5 #31E: David Nakayama Exclusive Variant
- Thundercats (Dynamite Entertainment) #1AY: Gabriele Dell’Otto Exclusive Variant (Ltd. 700)
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