Looks like the slow weeks are over, as today’s NCBD brings us 506 new releases, for a total of 234 actual new unique issues.
The full content team has been working hard to add them all to Core and to complete all entries with as much details as possible. We just finished and you can now find them all in your trusted Add Comics screen.
Highlights for NCBD week 4
New issues for big titles:
These are the new issues for the most popular titles:
- Detective Comics, Vol. 3 #1081
- Spawn #349
- X-Force, Vol. 6 #48
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Vol. 5 #147
- Harley Quinn, Vol. 4 #36
- Grimm Fairy Tales, Vol. 2 #79
- Void Rivals #6
- Transformers (Image) #3
Most variants
And this week, the prize for the most variants goes to:
Red Sonja, Vol. 7 (Dynamite Entertainment) #7, with 17 variants, listed from 7A to 7R!!
New series:
Many new issues #1 for new series this week:
- Female Force: Taylor Swift #1 with 18 variants
- Crashdown #1 with 14 variants
- Ghost Machine #1 with 13 variants
- Justice Ducks #1 with 9 variants
- Quested, Vol. 2 #1 with 9 variants
- Resurrection of Magneto #1 with 8 variants
- Star Wars: Thrawn – Alliances #1 with 5 variants
- Grimm Fairy Tales 2023 Annual #1 with 4 variants
- Power Pack: Into the Storm #1 with 3 variants
- Star Trek: Defiant Annual #1 with 3 variants
- Titans: Beast World Tour – Star City #1 with 2 Variants
Cool new exclusives:
Our picks of some cool new exclusive variants:
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Vol. 5 #147G: Sami Francis Exclusive Variant
- Harley Quinn, Vol. 4 #36F: Iván Talavera Exclusive Variant (Ltd. 3000)
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Vol. 2 (Boom! Studios) #116I: Sketch Ellis Exclusive Variant
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