CLZ Books Web

Improved “Edit Multiple” screen

Jul 15, 2020

At customer support, we were regularly receiving questions about the Edit Multiple screen, so in today’s update we made several changes to make it clearer.

  • The checkboxes (for unlocking fields) have been replaced by clearer “lock” icons. Click the lock icon to unlock a field for editing.
  • Or, just click on a lock field and you will receive a popup asking you to unlock it.
  • An extra notification at the top explaining the unlocking and clearing of fields.
  • Save button now indicates the number of books that are being edited.
  • Extra warning when saving “You are about to change data for 4 books. This can not be undone. Would you like to continue?”

Using “Edit Multiple”

Quick reminder on how to use Edit Multiple:
In the main list, use the checkboxes to select some books, and click “Edit” in the blue action bar that appears above the list.

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