Reviews from customers

Dec 25, 2008
All I can say is WOW and Thank You. The WOW applies both to the software (the Mac interface is awesome!) and the Customer Service. I had heard good things about the level of support you guys provide, and now I've experienced it for myself.

Not only was it fast turnaround, you guys provided more than I asked for!
Thank you so much for one of the best Support experiences I have ever had!

Steve Kelley
Dec 22, 2008
Your support is excellent
I am very grateful for the support that I receive and having experienced truly abysmal support from some other companies I can say that your support is excellent and your products have been very reliable for the many years that I have used them.

Have a Great Christmas and New Years. It looks like things have been very busy for you and I hope this brings you a well earned break.

Greg Bridle
Dec 19, 2008
One of the best
I love you products, and I cannot begin to express how IMPRESSED I am that your company continually responds to your customers! -- Your company truly is one of the best software houses in the business (you may quote me on that!).
Dave Michelson
Nov 26, 2008
All my stuff organized
Your Monthly newsletters are always a great read! Thank you for the services/software you provide. I don't know how I would keep all my stuff organized without it.

Thanks again from a loyal customer (I tell everyone about your software - it's great!).

David Tyler
Oct 24, 2008 delivers!
Once again, delivers! I recently had a question about data collection and your team responded *immediately* with a concise and extremely helpful answer. I challenge anyone to find a software company that delivers that kind of personal service and response time!

Moreover, I have used Movie Collector for years and I have recommended it to over a dozen friends and colleagues. All have thanked me time and time again for the recommendation. In fact, several have purchased Book Collectorz to manage their extensive book collections and they rave about the program.

In an age of big business and big software development, it is extremely rewarding to find such a great company with great products who clearly focus on customer service and satisfaction.

Bob Gillcash
Aug 3, 2008
I just love it
All in all, your little invention has saved me thousands of hours and I just love it.

Finished my CD inventory for insurance purposes.......2017 CD's all alphabetically on disk to hand to my insurance agent. DVD's 177, Books 94....again, all on CD disk for my safe-deposit box and my insurance agent.

Inventory valuation: Approximately $75,000.00 all in less than 24 hours......had I had to write this out, it would have taken months and lots of temper tantrums.

I love your product.

Mike Levand
Jul 30, 2008
I use three of the programs of Book Collector, Music Collector and Movie Collector. I like the ease of the programs and the way the books are organized alphabetically. I am a librarian, and this program makes my personal collections easier to manage.

I also have a wide range of music I like to listen to and the Music Collector makes it easier for me to find the albums in my collection and pull them off to listen to. I love music from Country to Adult Contemporary to Soft Rock to Dance.

Lastly, Movie Collector, I like the way the program has the names of the characters listed and the actors/actresses who play those characters--nobody can agree with me who played in what--I just pull up the DVD information from my movie collection and show who played who.

I am glad the developers at have come up with a wonderful program that makes organizing people's personal collections easier--as a librarian, I love this program and would be lost without it! Keep up the great work!

Daniel L. Baldwin
Jul 29, 2008
I agree with all the compliments on your web site. Your software reliably exceeds expectations. It's a pleasure to use.

As a software designer myself, I've learnt that the best software is usually a result of an active partnership between users and designers. You guys typify that thought, more than anyone else I've ever come across. I also love your stories about users which you put in your newsletters.

Mike Young
Jun 30, 2008
I recently downloaded updates to my Collectorz software and I wanted to take just a minute to thank you. Your software is so user friendly and excellent in every way.

Quite a while back I purchased a package from you that included "Music Collector", Movie Collector", "Book Collector" and a scanner. Initially, I was concerned a little about the initial expenditure but your software has proved to be worth every penny and more. I'm not really in the habit of sending this type of email but I can't say enough about your software. I would highly recommend it to anyone. Thank you very much!

Bruce E. Kelley
Jun 13, 2008
Truth be told, I have found over the years that I have been a customer of yours, that your support and response time is the best that I have encountered. You can be truly proud of yourselves for not only a magnificent product, but truly unparalleled tech support. Thank You.
Elystan Hapgood
May 13, 2008
I'm an enthusiastic long-time user of your wonderful products! They're excellently designed, user friendly and functional, bug free with top notch support and updates.
Karen Woys
Apr 4, 2008
Your product is an absolute must and your support is flawless! To any customer looking for the best Collectorz is top of the line.
Gary Yund
Mar 16, 2008
Having downloaded the trial edition of Music Collector and been astounded by the way the covers of my CDs just appear on my screen complete with all the tracks, I have just purchased the bundle of 3 editions - Music, Movie and Book Collector and look forward to using my licence number and entering my CDs, Books and DVDs.
Eileen Waddell
Mar 12, 2008
Being in the position to keep track of (far too many my wife says) CD/LPs, DVDs and books I thought that a database application could help. I tested several trial versions before I came across the Collectorz suite. Breath of fresh air compared to the others that I have tried. The interface is intuitive, searching of libraries is good and trouble free. It runs perfectly on my XP machine at home and often when I fire it up I get told that there is an updated version (features and bug fixes). The upgrade/install process is flawless and puts other similar apps in the shade.

On the odd occasion that I have used the support desk the service has been first rate. Knowledgeable, helpful, polite and very quick. If only other help desks were like this one. Overall the Collectorz suite, IMHO, has got to be one of the best around for its purpose. Very easy to use and good value for money. Bravo!

Rod Keen
Feb 6, 2008
Er is niets dat ik mis
Ik ben (en voor mijn gevoel veel te lang) bezig geweest om een zinvolle database te zoeken voor onze gigantische serie CD's met muziek. Om nog maar te zwijgen over de 600 DVDs die wij in ons bezit hebben. Of wat te denken van onze boekenverzameling?

Om heel eerlijk te zijn - en dit zonder overdrijven - heb ik thuis in de kast zeker zo'n stuk of 10 verschillende programma's om een beetje een database mee op te kunnen zetten. Je weet hoe dat gaat ermee aan de slag en dat wat je mist, gaat tegenstaan. Je probeert dan een oplossing te verzinnen of te forceren, maar de meeste programma's staan aanpassingen of toevoegingen niet toe. Sedert ik echter gebruik, heb ik het plezier in het opzetten van dingen weer helemaal terug.

Er is niets dat ik mis in het 4-tal programma's die ik gekocht heb. Om nog maar de zwijgen van de scanner, want dat is helemaal je dat. Wederom mijn complimenten! Ook de snelheid en correctheid waarmee jullie vragen van de gebruikers beantwoorden verdient lof.

Jeroen Brachthuizer
Jan 30, 2008
I've been a huge fan of all the products I use. However, I recently bought the USB scanner and found the ease and use of it to be so intuitive! I've re-entered our movie collection (over 400 movies in 4 hours!) and I'm now working on our books and music. Thanks for creating a wonderful program, allowing a wonderful use of periferals, and great customer service.
Phil Spressart
Jan 25, 2008
I really must say that the support and responses from your company has been fantastic! So often today once you have made a purchase, getting any help is often difficult at best. Not so with Great company and one I would recommend to anyone needing their products!
Richard Smith