Reviews from customers
...and then there's the support...Athan-Jon, Sonny, Chris...Hey, the whole crew bends over backwards to make sure that everything works properly and even an old codger like myself can understand and thereby enjoy this "Totally Awesome Program!!!"
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart....I've waited 56 years for something like this...I'm glad that I'll have at least a few more years to enjoy it!!!!
I was very pleased your program exists and it will be fun to tackle the project!
For any recent or more mainstream disks it is easy to add to your collection by using either bar codes or scanning the CD Itself.
I also scanned any covers that we're not available online. So with newer discs you can probably catalog 30-50 per hour. Bar codes are quickest (of course you need a scanner for this).
I haven't used it yet to catalog any digital files so I can't comment on that but it's great for what I wanted to do with it.
I bought a barcode reader and it is just soooo good entering the DVDs. I haven't finished entering them all yet, but I've been wanting this kind of database for years & years. The search facility for tracks on the CD database is MAGIC.
Keep up the good work
Despite these minor glitches, I had been able, in two days, to input data for 200 CD/DVD albums and I was certain that I had chosen the 'right' cataloging software. I am delighted with the Music Collector Pro Version software and for me it really does resolve the issue of satisfactorily and speedily cataloging a significantly large classical music collection.
1. para funcionar, tienes que tener también el programa en tu ordenador
2. sería muy interesante poder entrar los datos también a traves de la app
Cuando tenga esto, le daré la quinta estrella
Long slow task but I take my time to do it properly. :)
I love using MuC to keep track of it all!
Actually my collecting started approximately 62 years ago -- time flies, but the music has always been rewarding. When I get finished with the music aspect . . . perhaps I'll start on the DVD's.
Thank you for such wonderful software, as it fulfills a wish for cataloging all my music and having the flexibility and convenience of locating exactly what I want . . . and when I need it.
My best to your company, and I wish you continued good success.
This is by far a superior product & since I have started to work with it, I get amazed with it each time. BTW, I was able to use the scanner I already had by installing a driver for it.
I highly recommend the products from
Have a wonderful day and thank you for the great customer support.
I'm very proud to know you are also a collector.
I have 5 thousands CDs and many jazz magazines, books and DVDs. It's my dream to include all my items on Collector File. In my opinion, it is the most incredible file music in years..
At the same time, one of my great friends also started to use your program for his collection. He acquired a license to use it.
I have 64 years old and I love jazz since 1959.
Well done guys..!!!!
I would recommend it and believe that you get your money's worth.
CLZ is the perfect solution. If my computer went down completely i can still find songs quickly having imported the collection to my mobile phone.
Highly recommended! Excellent bit of software.
Continues thus - it is probably the best programme what it on the market gives. already the previous versionswere great. Continues in such a way!!!! Thank you very much!
And that is my third Collectorz Pro-program (I have already Books and Movies). But serious... it is great software, more then worth the money!!!
Thanks for making it and the wonderful support on it!
It has been a close encounter with the collection.
Loving the software and it keeps getting better all the time!
If you collect anything, go to these guys.
One thing I did discover while adding the CDs is that there we have so many cds that we had double, triple and sometimes quadruple copies of the same album (we will be having a garage sale one day so we will be able to sell them then)
BTW I love this program, makes it so much easier to get the job done.
Can't wait to see V10....where are the screen shots? ;-)
Checked out a lot of programs before, than found your one through an ad.
I recommend you to everyone!!!!!
This is a GREAT idea!
even better that I can keep it with me now on my ph!
It is so Awesome that I can keep track of my collection at all times. It keeps growing and I enjoy it gracefully.
My entire collection listing on a device I'm going to be carrying with me anyway! I love it.
Love working on it and the results look brilliant!
I find it very helpful when at the store to remember what CD's I already have.