What's new in CLZ Movies Mobile? 2023

CLZ Movies Mobile

v8.5: Easier access to Manage Pick Lists tool

Oct 25, 2023

A lot of the questions we get about CLZ Movies can usually be answered with:

“Just use Manage Pick Lists”

Renaming formats, Merging duplicate formats, fixing actor sort problems, fixing typos in locations, etc… it is all done in the Manage Pick Lists screen. An important and powerful screen, but… not so easy to find if you don’t know where to look or don’t even know what to look for.

With this update, we are trying to fix all that. We have made the screen much more accessible / discoverable AND we have made several improvements to the MPL screen itself.

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This update is all about the Pre-fill screen, you know, the screen that appears when adding items and lets you pre-fill fields while adding, like Location, Owner, Purchase Date/Store/Price, etc…

This Pre-fill screen was introduced in Jan 2021, with a fixed set of fields. Then a year later, in Jan 2022, it was made completely user configurable, so that *you* could choose which fields appeared on the screen.

This screen turned out to be a popular tool, but we’ve seen one problem with it:
Sometimes, users pre-fill a field for a specific movie (e.g. Purchase Price or Quantity), then forget to CLEAR it for the next movies they add. Causing lots of movies to be added with that same field set incorrectly.

So today, we are making another tweak to the Pre-fill screen:

  • The Pre-fill screen now highlights filled fields in orange, so that they stand out more.
  • Also, we added a “Clear” button, to quickly clear all Pre-fill fields.


  • iOS: iPad: Year folders: the wrong year folder could be selected sometimes.

CLZ Movies Mobile

v8.3.1: New in-app getting started tips

Sep 13, 2023


  • Added in-app getting started tips for new users (tap “dismiss” to dismiss)

CLZ Movies Mobile

v8.2: New Sync button on main screen

Sep 06, 2023

In this update, we try to tackle a problem that we often see in our support system:

Users changing phones without updating their CLZ Cloud first. Or even worse, without even having a CLZ Account yet.
Which of course cause data loss (and a lot of sadness).

So in this version, we are trying to create more awareness of:

  1. The importance of creating a CLZ Account, so that you can Sync with CLZ Cloud.
  2. The importance of keeping your CLZ Cloud up-to-date by actually Syncing with CLZ Cloud.

New Sync button in main screen

When not in sync with CLZ Cloud, a new Sync button will appear on the main screen, above the Add button. This way you will always know if there are still items to sync up to CLZ Cloud or down from CLZ Cloud (even when you use auto-sync).

(Don’t like this button? In the Settings screen, switch OFF the setting that says “Show on-screen sync button”)

New “Sync with Cloud!” bar when not logged in

When using the app while not logged in to a CLZ Account, a new bar will appear at the bottom of the main screen that says “Sync to CLZ Cloud for an online backup”.
Hopefully that will help prevent future data loss.

(Don’t like this bar? In the Settings screen, switch OFF the setting that says “Show backup suggestion bar”)

New 5-movie “Demo Mode” for new users

For new users who just downloaded the app, we introduced a new “Demo Mode” that lets you add 5 movies before committing to the actual 7-day free trial subscription.

Fixed on Android:

  • Edit Comic: When you’ve edited something, and you tapped “Next”, it would skip an item.

The entire CLZ development team has been working on this major feature for several months. A huge project that we have been postponing for many years, because of the complexity and the enormous amount of work. But today we can finally go public with it, resulting in a major 8.1 update for the CLZ Movies mobile app:

As of today, it is finally possible to modify (or manually enter) the CAST and CREW lists of your movie entries! And of course, to sync your customized lists to and from the CLZ Cloud.

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CLZ Movies Mobile

v8.0: Use multiple folder levels

May 17, 2023

A huge update for your CLZ Movies mobile app today, which introduces a powerful feature for browsing and filtering your movie collection: using multiple levels of folders.

Previously, it was only possible to use one level, so either Format folders OR IMDb rating folders OR Seen it folders OR Location folders, etc… But starting with this version, you can use nested folders, so for instance, use IMDb Rating folders, then within each IMDb rating folder have Seen it folders.

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