Reviews from customers
I had previously used some rather rough homemade systems and a new computer meant I needed to look around for something else.
I have to say your software is absolutely amazing. The range of features and ease of use is such that this is probably the best piece of personal software I have used and the ability to download a huge amount of information so easily is absolutely fantastic.
I had been using my own Access database and your product saves an immense amount of time with its pre-loaded information.
I'm in the process of entering my collection of appx. 50,000 comics into Comic Collector (about 3,000 loaded thus far). I have also bought the companion app for my iPhone, which I love!
I've been manually exporting to Excel and loading onto a PDA, but this is another immense time savings for me.
I have a sizable collection and have been looking for the right tool to catalogue it.
Not so much a fan of dry lists so being able to look at the covers and read the credits and synopsis is fantastic for me.
Well done for making such a great product at such a great price.
I have six children at home and it is difficult enough making time to read my comics, let alone inventory them. has made the task of inventorying my books not only quick, but a great deal of fun.
I get excited every time I get home with new comic books; read them, and then open the program and start adding them to the list!
You guys truly do have a great program with Comic Collector; honestly, I don't know how I've been calling myself as comic fan without it.
And I am really glad to hear that great mind think alike as far as you guys working on a Collectorz version for the Iphone. I can't wait to till it's ready!
Keep up the great work. I don't actually buy many products, I seek out free alternatives but your application was a must have.
Naturally, I downloaded the trial for the Comic Base. I used it for about 2 minutes and REMOVED the trial program from my computer. What a piece of s*~t! I guess the guy reviewing owns stock in Comic Base.
Maybe I didn't know how to use it but I approached both Comic Base and Collectorz the same; no idea how to use either and was completely impartial. Collectorz was a breeze to pick up and Comic Base could make a sober person drink themselves into debt.
Outstanding product... I'm having a blast. This is the first time in 25 years, that I can actually know (and find) what I have in my collection! I LOVE this program!