Comic Barcode Scanner Software

partnered with

Easily catalog your comic collection

Automatically download issue details and imagesLike creators, characters, cover art and preview art.
Just search our huge online comic database ... ... by scanning comic barcodes.
Get key comic information on major and minor keysFirst appearances, cameo appearances, deaths, iconic cover art, etc...
CLZ Comics icon CLZ Comics
Mobile app for your phone or tablet
iOS & Android
USD $19.95 per year
More about the mobile app
CLZ Comics icon CLZ Comics
Web-based software for your computer
Windows & macOS
USD $39.95 per year
More about the web app

Get comic values from CovrPrice!

We are official CovrPrice partners

Did you know we have a partnership with, one of the best comic values services online? Through this partnership, you can get up-to-date comic values, right there inside your CLZ Comics app or Comic Connnect software.

How to get comic values from CovrPrice:

To get access to the comic values from, you will need a subscription to the CovrPrice "PREMIUM" plan (US $6.95 per month or US $60 per year).

To subscribe, use this special CLZ/CovrPrice Sign Up page and follow the steps there to

  1. Create an account
  2. Pay for the Premium plan and then...
  3. Link your CLZ and CovrPrice accounts

Sign up for CovrPrice
CLZ Comics
Mobile + Web
CLZ Comics Mobile
1 year
CLZ Comics Web
1 year
USD $0.00
USD $0.00
save USD $0.00

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!

Both CLZ Comics Mobile and CLZ Comics Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Comics Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Comics Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.

Latest software updates

Feb 21, 2025
Best Comic App
I genuinely love this app! Previously I was tracking our comic collection with a spreadsheet and several printed/hand written lists. It was definitely a part time job because of how many titles we were subbed to and the number of titles/volumes of back issues.
The CLZ app does an amazing job of inputting new comics; the barcode scan is quick and easy, but the cover scan is a game changer, life saver, and an amazingly beautiful piece of technology!!! Haha I will likely sub to this app forever simply because of the cover scanning feature.
The app does a great job of showing you what issues you’re missing with the simple missing comic feature.
The CLZ team also has a web app which I’ve used. It’s very similar to the phone app but has a few other features like printing your collection.
Like everything, theres always room for improvement which the CLZ team does amazingly as well. There is a Facebook group called CLZ Comics. The community on there is healthy, quick to respond, friendly, and eager to make the app better by posting missing covers and suggested improvements. ALWIN is the person to speak with! They’ll fix or advise you on any of your problems or concerns.
I’m sure theres other features that I love but are missing from my review. I love this app and Im happy to suggest it to any comic enthusiast.
Apocalyptoo25 (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile

Reviews from customers

Feb 6, 2025
Best Comic Collection
Have been using this app for over a year and it's almost perfect! The scan to add feature is probably my favorite feature; it already has the writer, artist, description and even the specific cover version attached to that entry. You can even scan and add the comic to a wishlist. Instead of taking a pic that can easily get lost in your photos, you can add the comic to a list that has pre-filled info that you can look up by that info later on. Price is great and app gets regular updates too.
T on CLZ Comics Mobile
Jan 25, 2025
World Class Comics Organizer!!
This app started off great, and just keeps getting better! It was already incredibly easy to use the barcode scanner to add new comics, but the new “Scan Cover” option is even simpler & quicker!!
Rickitty rowe (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Jan 9, 2025
Love this app
I absolutely love this app - the scanning is easy, the sorting is easy, the searching is easy, it's literally impossible to find a bad thing about this app - and that's coming from someone who has been a member for a handful of years now; this is THE collectors app for comics - 12/10
I show this to everyone, great way to have your entire collection in the palm of your hand too especially for local cons! (someone who has over 2k comics logged in through app)
Corey Vladesov on CLZ Comics Mobile
Jan 8, 2025
Recommendation of 5 / 5
I started using CLZ a year ago to Log My Comics. Find it very easy to use. Enjoy looking at the Stats. The new feature of scanning the Cover to Log has made it so much quicker and effortless.
Support is also GREAT. Definitely a recommendation of 5 / 5 !
Janene Machin on CLZ Comics Mobile
Jan 5, 2025
Great App! Genius Design!
I love how it scans covers. This is great for identifying virgin covers without taking the book out of the plastic. Easy to use interface and so handy to track your collection. I also like scanning bar codes! Makes it foolproof to make a mistake! Thanks and God bless.
ZenmasterJoe (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Jan 3, 2025
Best comic book catalog app ever!
The process is very simple. Scan front cover of comic or bar code, and done! I’ve wanted to catalog my collection for years, but hadn’t found a good app to do it. I can across CLZ Comics and it has been a game changer!
I enjoyed every minute of scanning as I went through my collection. The app also provides the current market value for my comics. Sweet!
Elijahowan (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Dec 30, 2024
Seems neat & easy...just pricey!
f you collect comics, you NEED this app. Scan your books, organize them (you can even organize which comic box you have your books in!). The absolute greatest app for a comic book collector. Pay annually for it to save money. I think they charge like $19.99/year. Dude, that’s a steal for everything you can do with this. Bravo to whoever programmed and designed this app. I’d love to talk to you because i have an app I’d like to create and this interface would be exactly like what’s I’ve been thinking.
Anyway, got sidetracked. If you’re questioning whether or not to buy this app, buy it & rest assured, besides like Key Collector, this is the only other comic book app you’ll need.
Cravin (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Dec 29, 2024
Love the cover scan feature
Very easy to add comics to your database and sync the database across devices. When I've made mistakes and needed to edit entries, that was easy, too. Love the cover scan feature. Good search and filter options.
Jeff Magill on CLZ Comics Mobile
Dec 19, 2024
Thank You Thank YOU THANK YOU!
I'll love the improved adding comics. I am slowing but steadily adding my 20,000 plus collection, most without barcodes. I have many duplicates and your update on adding comics is awesome. Did I "Thank you" yet? Thank you!
Zip (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Dec 15, 2024
Game changer
Great tool for keeping track of your comic collection. The newly added feature to scan the cover to add the book to your collection is amazing and a game changer. It makes adding books super easy.
Joe Orsini on CLZ Comics Mobile
Dec 10, 2024
CLZ is a godsend
By Odin's mighty fluffy and combed beard, CLZ is a godsend. As any comic collector knows, after a while, you begin to lose track of what comics you own. You could write it all down, but that takes a lot of time, time better spent reading. CLZ Comics takes away all of that and simplifies the process. Scan the barcode, fill in some deets, and boom, collection catalogued.
tobi blake on CLZ Comics Mobile
Dec 5, 2024
Great comic book app
Love the ease of either scanning a barcode or the cover and having it populate my collection. Easy to use, I highly recommend.
A.J. Huffman on CLZ Comics Mobile
Dec 1, 2024
Best collecting app out there!
CLZ Comics App – A Must-Have for Every Comic Collector (10/10)
As a comic collector, I can confidently say that the CLZ Comics app is an absolute game-changer. This app combines a user-friendly interface with powerful features that make managing your collection a breeze.
What makes CLZ Comics so outstanding?

1. Quick scanning and adding: The barcode scanning feature is incredibly fast and automatically retrieves all relevant details. Even obscure or older comics are recognized, saving me a ton of time.
2. Comprehensive catalog: The database is impressively complete, covering everything from mainstream Marvel and DC titles to indie releases.
3. Cloud synchronization: Your collection is always safe and accessible across your phone, tablet, or computer.
4. Customizable options: You can personalize your collection with tags, notes, and even additional details like condition and value.
5. Visual overview: The app displays your collection beautifully with cover art, making it a joy to browse.

Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned collector with thousands of issues, this app is an investment worth every penny. For me, CLZ Comics has become absolutely indispensable.
Rating: 10/10
I can’t recommend this app enough. It’s the perfect tool to organize and enhance your passion for comics. Give it a try—you won’t want to go back!
Brillies fav apps (Netherlands) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Nov 20, 2024
Powerful app
The app is very intuitive to use and quite powerful. The barcode scanning feature is extremely handy!
Chris (Australia) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Nov 7, 2024
Keeps your collection neatly organized!
This app is revolutionary as a comic collector not only does it keep all of the records you have for every comic you scanned it tells you how many comics you own it tells you the prices of the comics you own it tells you what comics you’re missing from your collection.
This app has been such a lifesaver and time saver when it comes down to knowing what comics I have what comics I might be missing what comics I have in which box purchased the comics and everything else if you collect comics grab this app.
Mystic1031 (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Nov 5, 2024
Highly recommend this app
Works well, barcode scanning works great. Absolutely love the app. makes it so easy to keep accurate information on my collection. Less doubling up of comics.
Update: Not only is this a great app, I signed up for the PC version too. Handy when ordering comics online. I've just updated my subscription through their store, great bundle deals. Went through their help desk to help with the change to the bundle. Best help desk ever.
John Hamilton on CLZ Comics Mobile
Nov 4, 2024
No more buying multiple copies
Great app to keep track of your collections and prevent buying multiple copies, which is why I decided to buy the full app. Has always worked well for me and I think it's really fun to come home and scan all my new comics before I start reading them.
Taylor Harris on CLZ Comics Mobile
Nov 3, 2024
I like it a lot
I’ve only been using this app for a few hours and i am already impressed by the amount of features available. Very easy to use, lot of of comic attributes to check. The scanning feature is really quick and easy to use.
Justin10000 (Canada) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Oct 20, 2024
Easy peasy
Started using it tonight and has found all my old comics from 1958 forward. Out of probably close to 300 comics it could not find 8. Easy I just added them manually no problem. I like I can either use barcode or hunt by pictures. Have to say so far I love it.
Catdad66 (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Oct 19, 2024
Best Comic Collection App
I have tried so many apps and even tried using a self-made spreadsheet and had little to no success. This app does it all. It scans the barcodes perfectly and when it doesn’t know which issue you have you can select your cover from the drop down menu and bam, your issue is added to your collection.
Additionally, I’ve upgraded to the subscription which provides your comic values!
spartanberek (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Oct 13, 2024
Very happy I found this app!
Fantastic app for long time comic book collectors who have large collections to organize. Barcode scanning tool and search function is very accurate. Assembling the scanned comics into collections is easy.
Brian Houdashelt on CLZ Comics Mobile
Sep 25, 2024
Barcode scanning
Awesome barcode scanner!
Nathan Snapper on CLZ Comics Mobile
Sep 17, 2024
I L-O-V-E this app

This is fuckin amazing!! I’m like a little kid at Christmas.

I L-O-V-E this app.

I have tried to use other apps in the past with mixed results. This one is what all the other sites wish to be. One of the things I love is being able to log the books with no barcodes.

I have almost completed 2 boxes and have 6 more. The effortless scanning will make this a breeze.

Thank you so much!!

Ben (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Sep 16, 2024
Outstanding resource for collectors!
I've only had the app for a few hours, but so far I'm loving it. Adding comics to my collection is amazingly fast and easy, just scan the barcode on the comic and that's about it. I've only had one comic that it didn't recognize, even with that I was able to take a picture and manually enter the info for the comic. So far so good.
J. Angel Barrientos on CLZ Comics Mobile
Aug 26, 2024
Fantastic app
Great way to keep track of comic books. especially when you have more than a couple of boxes. the app to scan the comics into your database makes it really easy to use and so much faster.
John Durrant on CLZ Comics Mobile
Aug 24, 2024
CLZ Comics
This app is perfect for collectors with large collections The barcode scanning feature makes it very easy to document your comics.
Jc's in the house (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Aug 5, 2024
This app is amazing to use for recording your collection the more you use it the easier it becomes to scan your comic in by barcode or manually nice icon images as well highly recommend.
comicbarnnz (New Zealand) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Jul 30, 2024
This is a great app
I am not sure what I would do without it. Easily add comics with barcode scanning, and view collection at a glance, with statistical data. Tie in with CovrPrice helps maintain value of collection and quick price check on the fly when purchasing comics. This app has saved me from buying duplicate comics frequently. App support is wonderful as well either through email or through their Facebook group. Highly recommend to the casual comic buyer or serious collector.
Marc Slotnick on CLZ Comics Mobile
Jul 19, 2024
keep up with my collection
I love this app. I've been collecting comics for (54) years. So far, I've scanned over 20,000 and still going. Once I get to my archived collection it should be interesting to see how much I really have. Keep up the good work.
Blake Cozart on CLZ Comics Mobile
Jul 17, 2024
Fantastic comic cataloging app!
I had looked for a software program to catalog my comic books for quite some time without success until I found CLZ. This is a fantastic app for cataloging my comic books and also gives a value based on cover price and overall value of the comic based on the grade you give it.
There’s a lot of information you can add and/or edit if you choose to including adding notes, just scan the barcode or enter an issue to start cataloging. Works on PC or mobile phone with updates often.
webdad (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile