Reviews from customers

Dec 18, 2008
One of my best buys
I would like to thank you for two things; first, a first class piece of software and second, for the way in which you handle the updates.

Buying your program for managing my book collection was one of my best buys.

John Slann
Dec 3, 2008
Too good
The overall experience is simply too good to be true.
Last night, though I was under the weather with a sinus infection, I scanned another section of books from my library, came upstairs to the PC and unloaded all the info from my scanner into the book list I'm building. It's so easy even a sick person can do it!

My plan is to print Dewey labels for each book and organize accordingly. Any bibliophile loves to putter away time with his books, but Book Collector gives you more tools to putter with.

Someone will say to me, "Say, do you have something on acid rain?" With 2,000+ books, I've finally lost control of having each book at my fingertips. I can no longer retrieve its location from memory... Book Collector makes finding the book a fun process. A few clicks and it gives me Title, Author, Subject(s), and Dewey number.
Since everything is shelved by Dewey number, how easy is that?!

I LOVE this product... it includes absolutely everything a bibliophile could want.

Vicki Ruzicka
Dec 1, 2008
A happy cataloguer
Just a quick email to say how pleased I am with the Music & Book Collector programmes that I recently purchased ( will buy the Movie one soon).

I had been using a different music catalogue programme but was not happy with it and ended up not doing anything to it, user friendly it was not.

The main reason I am so pleased is that I has already purchased a cue cat scanner earlier this year for cataloguing my books on an American website, but now I can keep it all in-house.

Once again thanks from a happy cataloguer.

Angie Biscoe
Nov 25, 2008
No more double purchases
Please allow me to say how much I enjoy your Book Collector application!

It made the much needed difference in how I organize my library. not only that, but now I can periodically export my DB to a CSV file, which I carry with me around on my Windows Mobile PDA - hurray, no more double purchases.

Erez Shapira
Nov 4, 2008
Grote verrassing
Toen ik in mijn enthousiasme Book 6 van had gedownload, kwam ik niet verder dan de probeerversie met maximaal 100 titels omdat ik op de een of andere manier het geld (met korting!) niet overgemaakt kreeg voor de nieuwe validatiecode.

Contact gezocht met de helpdesk.

Tot mijn grote verrassing werd ik op zaterdagavond (!) bijna per kerende mail bediend met een voor mij persoonlijk aangepast linkje en kon ik na tien minuten weer verder.

Harry Huizing
Oct 30, 2008
Well done!
I love this application!!
I've been able to catalog my books which number close to 2000 with no trouble and no headaches. I was able to get a selected group ready for sale and listed on a website so easily it was kinda scary.

The person who came up with this is a friggin genius and obviously had a collection of their own they struggled with.

Well done!

Linda DeBauge
Oct 17, 2008
Oh happy day!
I have been searching for a broad and diversified book cataloguing program, at one time beginning to design my own, but think you have come up with everything I am needing to include.

An academic colleague referred me to you - oh happy day!

H Adams
Oct 17, 2008
So far advanced
I have tried two other book collecting software solutions and is so far advanced it doesn't warrant comparison. It has simply revolutionised book collecting with its tools and display capabilities.

As any modern book collector knows the dust wrapper is a key part of collecting and the ability to download, scan & edit then display dust wrappers is almost as evocative as handling the books.

I have printed the details of different genres of my collection for friends, they then have a reference document with a dust wrapper, synopsis, ISBN and publisher so that they can build their own collection.

Patrick Roberts
Sep 16, 2008
It is easy
We love our software and have over 7000 books loaded into the system and it is networked into the classrooms. It is easy for the students from grades 1-12 to locate the books they need. Thanks.
Ann McEvoy
Sep 16, 2008
Al lang terugverdiend
Sinds 2005 ben ik een enthousiaste gebruiker van BookCollector. Ik heb er bijna 1.000 boeken in staan, het merendeel is snel via het ISBN nummer erin gezet.

Ik vind het bijzonder handig om een lijstje van mijn boeken naar mijn mobieltje te sturen, zodat ik in de boekhandel even kan checken of ik een boek al heb. Dit heeft me toch al enkele malen van een dubbele koop gered, dus de geringe aanschafprijs van BookCollector is al lang terugverdiend.

Sinds een maand ben ik van Windows overgestapt naar Apple en ook daar werkt alles uitstekend. Ook conversie van de reeds ingevoerde boeken naar de Apple omgeving ging simpel en snel.

Marry van Oers
Sep 9, 2008
Both librarians
I want to say how much I like Book Collector. My husband and I are both librarians (I worked as a cataloger for over 20 years) and we're thrilled to finally get a handle on our personal collections.
Linda Flavin
Sep 3, 2008
Extremely well designed
Thank you for a good program, affordable and extremely well designed. Despite my moving-about problem, the program seems to cover any contingency anyone wanting such a program would need. Thank you !
Miranda Miles
Jul 28, 2008
It has paid for itself
I love my book collector software. It allows me to quickly check to see if I already own a book or need to purchase it. It has paid for itself.

I also like to be able to track a book if it has been loaned to a friend or if it is in use. It has saved a lot of time.

Helen Murrell
Jul 28, 2008
Extremely efficient
I'm a pastor and have used Book Collector for years for my theological library. I also get a number of magazines and rather than keep the whole magazine I clip articles and then forget that I even have them.

I've now solved the mess of boxes of uncategorized clippings by printing a simple sequential numeric label and assigned it to the printed article or web clipping. Then into a three ring binders for shelf storage go the sequentially numbered articles and I use Book Collector to categorize and locate the searched-for article(s) for me. Not as slick as populating the database via a book ISBN look-up, but still extremely efficient. Thanks.

Charles Packard
Jul 16, 2008
Very happy
I purchased Book Collector Pro and am very happy with the software. In fact I'm surprised that you don't charge more that you do for such a great product.

Having programmed in D-Base (as well as other programming languages) I can appreciate the effort that goes in to analyzing and perfecting a database such as this. I am now retired (71 yrs old) and glad not to be constantly thinking about that last tweak of the program I'm working on, and the deadline that's fast approaching.

Doug Hartshorn
Jul 3, 2008
3,500 books
Book Collector is a great product. I've put over 3500 books into it over the last 4 days. I have primarily used the scanner and ISBN codes.

I hope to use Book Collector to understand my library better, control further book buys, and record the collection for insurance.
Patrick W

Patrick W
Jul 1, 2008
Just scan and load!
I manage an extensive home library and now a small used bookstore in a consignment shop in my small hometown. Many of the books in my store are exchanged and borrowed, sold and repurchased.

I really love my Collectorz program, especially when I get in new books, just scan and load!

Eve Brackenbury
Jun 14, 2008
Worth the price
I just want to say that your software with the upscale scanner has worked and performed as advertised. So far I have catalogued over 550 books effortlessly. Your system is worth the price several time over. Great job!
Pierre Handl
Jun 7, 2008
You're the best!
I recently found out that a friend of mine also uses Book Collector. He told me that yours is the best product he found to do this. I told him that this is true, but that your service is also what sets you heads-and-tails above any other company with whom I've dealt. You're the best! Joseph
Joseph Cocucci
Jun 2, 2008
Love the wireless barcode reader
I am librarian for The Greater San Antonio Quilt Guild (1300 books with 250 that need to be added) and for The San Antonio Polymer Clay Guild (78 books) and my own library (350 and still adding) so I am becoming very familiar with it.

I just love the wireless barcode reader!!!! I also really like your quick response to questions! Your customer service is just great!

Mary-Ruth Flores
May 26, 2008
And it's fun to use
I really love this program! I've tried several software products and then tried creating my own database, but nothing worked the way I wanted. This program does! And it's fun to use.
Micheil-Ann Gill
May 11, 2008
Professioneel programma
Ik gebruik Book Collector nu al een aantal jaren. Ik verzamel boeken die betrekking hebben tot de Nederlandse kunstschilders (voornamelijk Rembrandt Vermeer), de schilderkunst, de geschiedenis en de gewoontes rond de 17e eeuw. Book Collector maakt het mij eenvoudig deze verzameling goed bij te houden en vooral gegevens over een bepaald onderwerp terug te vinden.

Boeken met een ISBN code scan ik met de cuecat. Naast het voorblad scan ik met mijn HP scanner ook de inhoudsopgave en de index. Inhoudsopgave en index zet ik om met een OCR programma en kopieer en plak ik in Verhaal&Opmerkingen. Met de zoek functie vind ik dan de boeken terug waarin en op welke bladzijde het door mij gezochte onderwerp voorkomt.

Een andere voor mij onmisbare functie is de mogelijkheid te exporteren naar mijn Ipod. Kocht ik in het verleden wel eens meerdere keren hetzelfde boek, nu raadpleeg ik eerst mijn Ipod en voorkom dit.

Book Collector is een geweldig en professioneel programma waardoor ik veel beter gebruik maak van mijn bibliotheek.

Jan M. Brandt