Catalog your video database
iOS & Android

Windows & macOS

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!
Both CLZ Movies Mobile and CLZ Movies Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Movies Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Movies Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.
Latest software updates
The details of each movie is amazing and you can add your own details as well. CLZ always updates all their apps to improve them and also add features. It is worth the monthly/yearly price. They also have specials on pricing so you can buy subscriptions for years to come.
All-in-all, you can’t go wrong with this invaluable database for your movies, and TV series.
Reviews from customers
The overall operation and look have continually improved over the years. So, a big thank you to you and your team. I love the look of the dark mode and I note you have released the Collector series of databases in a number of new languages.
20 years ago my internet was to slow to continuously stream YouTube videos. So I got into a habit of downloading classical music from YouTube to be able to watch and listen continuously. And as you grow old you do not easily change your habits. So I am still downloading music. Over the years my YT music collection grew steadily. I find Movie Collector a marvelous tool to manage this collection.
Once the movies are done I can start with my music, videogames, comics, and books.
Your program is an immense help.and invaluable service. Thanks for keeping it updated.
I highly recommend this app! OH! They also make versions if this app for Books, Comics and Video games!
I dont know how I'd keep track of my collection without this app or my PC app. I've been long time user of this app. The support team answers any question very quickly too.
Thanks CLZ TEAM.
I had been using your software for my comics and decided that maybe the movie program could be helpful and save me some money at the same time. So I gave the sample program a try. That was more than 5 years ago and now over 4000 movies. I love getting the notices of updates because there is something always interesting that you guys have developed that I didn't even know I needed or an update that fixes little bugs that get ironed out.
I have seen many changes in how the collection software you guys offer has evolved since 1st trying out your free trial software and am hooked. I love entering my collection into your software and you seem to make it easier and more interesting every year. I never rent the same movie twice since I started using your excellent program and have found that no matter how many movies I have in my collection I have no fear that your program can keep up with me.
I look forward to seeing all the new ways you keep improving your collection software and I really appreciate the discount offers you give every so often. I'd like to give 5 stars plus rating for how great your programs are and how quickly there are updates if any issues arise.
Cheers to many more years of our continuous relationship.
At first, it started with just a couple of movies. Some that just looked really good on the screen – Hell Boy (#1), some that I always wanted to own – Big Night (#2)….some that my kids could watch over and over again – Air Bud (#14). (Side note, kids are the number one best way to get a spouse to agree to buying a movie). Then, the dam broke. Around 2009, the Hollywood Video store in our town was going out of business and they put all their movies on sale. This was like locking an addict in a pharmacy for the night. Staring at all the films with $3 and $5 dollar price tags…I began to see a bigger mission. I started thinking that I could build a collection and leave behind a legacy. Now I wanted to own all the movies that ever had an impact on my life. The films that scared me, made me laugh, made me cry….the movies that gave me direction. I wanted to own whole genres of films. Like a Last Will and Testament, this was going to be a collection that I could leave to my kids, like a digital message, that would live on after me. A collection that my kids could see and say, “these movies were what made my dad who he was”. Instead, I came home with about 40 films and my wife and kids looked at me like I had lost my mind. It was also on this night that I almost purchased a movie I already owned…
On August 20th, 2009, I paid about $25 to a company called Bitz & Pixelz for their cataloging program Collectorz. By this time, I had about 125 movies. Amazon was constantly putting movies on sale – Father’s Day Sale, Summer Sale, etc. Movies like Batman Begins (#45), Blade Runner (#62) and Casablanca (#82) were easily available. Every week, I would get e-mails about “This Week’s Hot New Releases”…. I was hooked. Logging movies into Collectorz became a weekly ritual. I’d think long and hard about which films would take up coveted spots in the collection – Riddick (#100), Hair (#200) and transformers 2 (#500). By the time Captain America came out in 2011, I had hit 1000 movies.
About a month ago, Avengers Infinity War became number 2000. My friends all have links to my Collectorz collection on their phones and I sync my collection across my home computer and all my devices. I travel a lot, so often on a late night flight, I’ll bring up my collection just to look at the cover art, read the plots and peruse the list actors, producers and actors. Many a Friday night, there will be a group of my kid’s friends huddled around the computer perusing the collection for a movie to watch – “sort by action”, “no, romance”….”don’t be crazy, comedy” – can be heard over the mouse clicks. Collectorz, being a one stop shop for the collection, triggers someone to ask to see the trailer, or ask “who stars in that one?”
I dread the day that they stop making Blu-Ray films. I love receiving the movie, holding it in my hands, logging it into my Collectorz catalog….and filing it on my shelf. In fact, some films are still in their wrapper - My wife and I joke that this will be our retirement. Fourteen years ago, I started something I hope I’ll never finish…and Collectorz is logging every step of this journey.
Then I found and I was in pure Heaven! I love how I can have all of the information that's listed in the CLZ cloud/library in my database - now I have well over 2,985 videos (DVD's and Blu-ray's only) and I cherish the software and the company who makes it!
I can't thank you enough!
Fast forward a few years My collection increased and I was looking for a way to catagorize the movies. I started of with Quattro Pro for Windows, after that Excel. It didnt quite did the job for me. I was looking for different ways of catagorizing and Excel just could not get that job done. Finally in 2010 I found what I was looking for. That was the first time that I purchased the moviecollector software. Since the early beginning of using it I have been more than happy with it. It suits the needs I so desperately was looking for. I now have a list consisting of move than 2500 movie titles. And that is only just the beginning. I expect the list when finished (will it ever be) to consist of approximately 12000 titles. So I have a lot of work to do. The way of catagorizing, of should I say a list within a list, is also magnificent! Since a few months I merged all my seperate lists into one big movie collection. I have for example a seperate list of movies, music dvd’s, cabaret, documentaries and pro wrestling. With the help of your great support, who showed much patience, I now merged that into one big list that I can upload in the cloud. I really can say that the movie collector is THE solution for me. Just the software I hoped for all those years. And with the update plan I always get the newest updates!
I highly recommend Movie Collectorz for anyone who wants to keep track of their collection and prevent duplicate buying. With the mobile app there are no more bulky printouts to drag around and the camera works as a scanner so you can add new purchases immediately. Insurance companies will either love or hate you as you now have an accurate list of your movies. There are also features for lending titles to friends and family, so you know what is not with you at any time. Check it out, it is well worth the investment!
Now on to comics and books. Ah, the Collectorz life.
I was lucky enough to discover this app and it was perfect for this chore. The scanning feature for the barcodes was extremely helpful, although I soon found many in my collection that weren't in their database, that I had to add, including adding a photo of the unique addition that I had that didn't match their photos. 1500+ titles later and I was done!
Now I just add new ones incrementally and I no longer end up buying ones I already own!
I have had times in the past when I would see a movie on sale and think to myself, "Do I own this?" I would proceed to buy the movie not realizing I already own a copy(or two, thanks Spaceballs and beer.) Now I can just take a look at this app if I'm not sure and know what I have and don't need to buy.
I also completely support this app for the sake of buying actual movies and not just downloading. Support the artists and film makers. Buy the movies. Complete your collection. Enjoy the stories.