Movie File Organizer Software

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Just scan your folders for movie files

Organizes movie files automaticallyJust let Movie Collector scan your folders for video files.
Then retrieve full movie details from our Core ... ... including cast, crew, cover art, etc...
All movie information powered by IMDbCast, crew, plot details and daily updates to IMDb Ratings.
CLZ Movies icon CLZ Movies
Mobile app for your phone or tablet
iOS & Android
USD $19.95 per year
More about the mobile app
CLZ Movies icon CLZ Movies
Web-based software for your computer
Windows & macOS
USD $39.95 per year
More about the web app
CLZ Movies
Mobile + Web
CLZ Movies Mobile
1 year
CLZ Movies Web
1 year
USD $0.00
USD $0.00
save USD $0.00

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!

Both CLZ Movies Mobile and CLZ Movies Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Movies Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Movies Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.

Reviews from customers

Feb 12, 2023
You are an absolute life saver
You have no idea how much trouble you have saved me from. I built a media room and cataloging and double checking will be nothing short of a miracle from the heavens above. How can I say thanks there are no words to express my gratitude to you and you can bet your fortunes that this email will be saved in at least 3 or more files so I don't have to bug you guys.
Love the updates and I have to thank my wife, this program is the best birthday present she has ever given me since we got married 32 years ago.
Bob Britt (USA) on CLZ Movies Web
Dec 18, 2020
Movie collector is a must have in my life
As usual you and your team are right on top of things with the best and most timely customer support. I would like to start off by saying the additions to Movie collector in the most recent version, ie: linking to movie files was a perfect update for real hard core collectors.
I will keep recommending your software to all of my friends and family. I wish you could see how impressed people are when I demo the programs for them.
Bob Andersen (USA)
Oct 7, 2020
Helpful app
This is one of the few apps that offers cloud storage/backup which I am prepared to pay for as it costs less then R1 per day. The support team were incredibly helpful. I had a over 150 movies and then also series which I had already stored electronically on a hard drive which I wanted to catalogue. The gave me a temporary Movie Collector licence which let me find the files, and then link them to CLZ core so that I could get all the IMDB info. Then I could upload them to the CLZ cloud and in turn onto the app on my phone. I have uninstalled the stuff on my PC and now have it handily on my phone so I can add any new mvies manually.
Tracey Mc Gahey on CLZ Movies Mobile
May 19, 2020
Absolutely brilliant
I’ve has this database for a few years; when I decided to ditch all my DVD cases and store the discs in those nice neat, space-saving little aluminium boxes with the hanging files, I realised I needed more than a list scribbled in the lid. And CLZ Movies supplied the perfect way to do this. I love the updates (the new “actor” folder is just great), I love the engagement - the developers never seem to stop looking for ways to improve the app and yes, sometimes some films (looking at you, compilations -grrr) require a bit of additional input... But I can now find any film (or tv box set) I’m looking for in my ‘files’ whenever I want, and - even without the cases, still have all the info I need to hand.
Suffice to say that I have now gone down the same route with my cds - and CLZ Music. Thank you for helping me free up several shelf units and endless boxes...
Little Dorrit on CLZ Movies Mobile
Nov 15, 2019
Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!
My computer totally crashed last week...dead. No chance of recovery. I do utilize Carbonite so it took about 2 days to get everything back to the new computer but of course Carbonite does not back up programs. So, I went on the net and was about to download the free trial of Movie Collector and it told me wait... you already own it go here. I did, logged in and I was amazed that once the program reloaded on the new computer it synced back all of my collection!! I could not believe how it did that and I didn't even have to go looking for files somewhere in the restored section of the computer! I am amazed and impressed and most of all want to thank you for making this possible. I have used Collectorz for years now since the old days when you installed from CD's. In my collection I have listed 810 movies so to lose it all would be very disappointing to say the least. So, thanks again for this cloud backup that put everything back to just like it was before the crash. Amazing, and thanks!!!!
Scott Semrau (USA)
Nov 18, 2018
No more duplicates
We have both the Movie and Music Collectorz programs. When we are deciding on a movie to watch (since we have a lot of movies), we can just look at the Collectorz to make our selection. Also helps if you don't remember if you own a particular movie, you can just look it up so you don't buy duplicates. Works the same for the music edition. They keep their files up to date to include all new releases when they come out.
Sheila Feeney (USA)
Dec 25, 2017
Exceeded my expectations
This is the most fantastic app for keeping track of our DVD collection. We have over 1,300 movie DVD’s and we were using an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of them and categorize them and try figure out what category is the right one. We even tried to list actors and actresses but what a pain.
With this app it scans the barcode and instantly files the movies alphabetically with all the stats and actors/actresses. We have not loaded our complete collection but we scanned 350 movies and had them sorted alphabetically and back on the shelves in 25 minutes scanning took about 6 minutes.
This app is one of a few apps I have that actually does what it says it can do and has exceeded my expectations.
Fire piston on CLZ Movies Mobile
Dec 12, 2017
The support from these guys is fantastic. Every time I have a question they respond quickly and helpfully. And when my database mysteriously disappeared, creating tremendous anxiety, they had me send them files and restored everything. Thanks so much.
Bill Creed (USA)
Sep 8, 2016
And man, I am loving this program! I just discovered the ability to link to video files on my HD and play them immediately. Awesome.
‎Victor Osaka (USA)
Feb 17, 2016
So easy
I just want to complement you with the ease of moving Movie Collector (and Music Collector) from my older computer to my brand new Core i-7 computer.
I transferred the files from the old computer to the new computer via my home network as both computers are wired via ethernet. It could not have been easier. No copying files from the old to a USB or portable hard drive.
Install worked flawlessly except for cover pictures but the maintenance tool fixed all issues.
Congratulations for making the process so easy.
Blair Fraser (Canada)
Dec 15, 2015
Additions and upgrades
You guys are doing great and continue to impress me with your additions and upgrades. The orphan file tool really help me a lot, the first run of the tool and I cleaned up over 6000 orphaned files. Thank you very much.
Russell Fisher (USA)
Sep 1, 2015
New Update File Links "wizard"
I just used this feature, I found it just searching the menu for any way not to have to go through 15,000 movies/seasons in 2 db files one at a time. I still had not finished that from building a new computer years ago and now I built a new one again. The problem was always the path change for the covers and this time I was really dreading it.
But I happened upon the New Update File Links "wizard" and finished it in both DBs in under 15 minutes combined. I have a 1TB SSD for c drive in this one (really FAST). I would not have ever finished the manual update of cover locations.
Another very useful feature.
Kenneth Stinnett (USA)
Dec 27, 2013
Awesome application
Awesome application. Movie Collector. I have around 4,000 films on Dvd or Digital Files. Love using the Cloud to allow friends to view and ask for loans.
Bud Chapman (Brunei)
Sep 17, 2012
You guys have the best
Just a note to say you guys have the best manual / troubleshooting / help files I have ever seen. After having to use the manual a few times over the years, there has always been a hold my hand and walk me through solution.
S. Gavin (USA)
Jul 14, 2012
Love your software, been using Movie collector for years. Just started linking my movie files in the database. SWEET!!
Jason Heisch (USA)
Dec 6, 2010
I wanted to let you know how happy I am to finally see the scan and add feature. I have been a customer since version 5 and had used your software nearly everyday until one of my sticks of RAM decided to corrupt my movie collector database. I had stopped using your software for a few months as at the time I had roughly 650 digital copies of my movies and I really did not want to manually add them all again.

Now I have over 700 and decided to check out what you have done with the software. To my surprise, version 7 introduced the scan and add feature, this feature has saved me countless hours of adding movies to my database. I added all 713 movies in a matter of a couple hours rather than days or weeks. The thing that took me the longest this time was just making sure the search grabbed the correct movie and even that was quick and painless.

Another thing I would like to add is being a previous customer, this is the first time I purchased the pro version and I can say that I will not be going back to the standard version as the integration with Windows Media Center is beautiful. I use a Media PC on my home theater system and have actually never used Windows Media Center, though now that I have seen first hand how well it can work when there is data for each movie I will now be using it on a regular basis.

Thank you so much for adding the scan and add feature, I can open up movie collector again and have all the movie covers and details and now I don't have to scroll through a boring folder with all my movie files. My friends also appreciate that there are details for each movie again, it is quite hard to pick something to watch when you just have a folder filled with over 700 movies and no details on them.

Thank you!!

Sean Marginet
Dec 15, 2009
It's a Must Have
I have just purchased and download the iPhone App and it works great!!

I have currently approx 1,250 movies in my collection (with more to add) and having access to the collection via the Clz iPhone app is fantastic!
As a workaround I had been printing my Collection to a pdf list and then loading that on my iPhone via a "files" app, but having the Clz app is the only way to go, it's a must have for any collector!!

On the strength of you comp upgrade I have also just purchased Music Collector Pro. It will be my next project after I get my Movie Collection fully up to-date.

Andy O'Donnell
Oct 24, 2007
Easy to use
A few weeks ago, I bought another DVD-Movie catalogue program and after entering in the information for about 50 movies, I wondered what the advantage of the program was, when I could create a data base in either Word, Excel or Access, and do the same thing because nothing was automatic and I had to enter all the information in myself.

I then wrote a friend asking if they knew of a good program for keeping track of my DVD Movies, and they directed me to your site and I d/loaded Movie Colllector. I entered in a couple of titles and was amazed as to the ease of use, and the thoroughness of the Movie information that was included automatically. It even imported the information from the other program. I bought your program immediately.

I buy the DVD Movies and make copies so I can watch the copies and keep the originals in pristine condition. I store the DVD's in several locations. Those I loved and I want to watch over and over. Those I'd like to see again sometime. Those I have not seen, and those I would not want to watch again, but I'm too cheap to throw them out. Your program makes it so easy to keep track of the movies and their locations. What a gem of a program you and your team have created. It is also great to have help files that covers everything and you don't have to guess what is being said. But best of all I like to install a program and just start using it without jumping through hoops.

Your program is intuitive and easy to use with a shallow learning curve. Thank you for this, and for keeping your program so affordable.

Paul Houghton
Aug 18, 2005
Just so damn sexy
Just thought I'd add my name to your list of happy customers. I recently bought your Movie Collector software, and I feel to compelled to let you know just how amazing I think it is.

For years now I've been laboriously cataloguing my DVDs (current count about 580) using Microsoft Access, for insurance purposes if nothing else.

Your software has turned what had become a chore into an obsession! It's just such a comprehensive and powerful tool, and the end result is just so damn sexy! Being able to export to the web with a click of the mouse is just fantastic, and makes the database so much more secure and accessible.

The program is so well designed that I've barely even glanced at the help files - everything is just so easy to work out. How you guys read my mental wishlist I don't know, but please keep up the great work!

Iain Faulkner