Keep track of your DVDs, Blu-rays, 4K UHDs, etc...
iOS & Android

Windows & macOS

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!
Both CLZ Movies Mobile and CLZ Movies Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Movies Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Movies Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.
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Reviews from customers
The details of each movie is amazing and you can add your own details as well. CLZ always updates all their apps to improve them and also add features. It is worth the monthly/yearly price. They also have specials on pricing so you can buy subscriptions for years to come.
All-in-all, you can’t go wrong with this invaluable database for your movies, and TV series.
With streaming becoming more popular, I still purchase Blu-ray/DVD’s because the shows may not be available for streaming once they run their course through streaming services. CLZ’s core database is loaded with so much information that you’ll never have to look up who was in that movie or who produced or directed it.
This is the only database you need. I would also recommend their comic and book databases. Your movies seamlessly sync to iPads, smartphones, and your Mac or PC. If you have a large collection, as I do, you can’t go wrong with CLZ apps.
Though your movie app is primarily designed for physical media, I have
found a great use to help me track the many sources for streaming shows.
I just use the Format field for the streaming source and it keeps the
sanity when trying to remember what show or movie is streaming where.
Although JustWatch and reelGood kinda do this, they don't keep track
what I have on my internal media server, or have recorded from YouTube
TV or even smaller streaming sites you can find on devices such as Roku.
I find CLZ Movies and the companion PC app are perfect for keeping
everything in one place. Only thing, I wish the PC User fields would
transfer to the Clz app. ;-)
I have enjoyed your apps a lot and you guys are always very prompt when support is needed. I wish all software companies were run like Collectorz.