We import your DVD Profiler database
iOS & Android

Windows & macOS

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!
Both CLZ Movies Mobile and CLZ Movies Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Movies Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Movies Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.
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Reviews from customers
Find adding DVD's to CLZ a breeze scanned 130 in less than 15 mins with no problems, fantastic.. Really like your link to imbd and the amount of information uploaded into CLZ Movies, great work.
I also have CLZ Books and Music PC and app version, so no brainier to move DVDs to CLZ Movies all great programs and with regular improvements.
The import from DVD Profiler was perfect and I was pleasantly surprised it was an option, awesome feature!
So much attention to detail, your company has done a great job! I look forward to using this software for years to come, thank you!
Having a mobile list of my 2,000 movies has saved me tons of money by preventing from accidentally buying the same DVD/Blu-ray. Not to mention making it easy to see which binder a DVD is in or seeing what is in a binder by combining by Location.
Also most responsive customer support I have ever dealt with. I had an issue where 3 of my apps wouldn’t sync changes and they got me grandfathered in less than 6 hrs after connecting them at 1 AM EST.
The app combined with cloud is amazing. I can get multiple reports in seconds. Though also jaw dropping to see I spent $40k for those 2,000 movies. Ability to add by app via app or Windows program and sort any way you can think of is awesome.
When it comes to service, I've had a far better customer service experience with you during my Movie Collector evaluation than I've had with Invelos in all the years that I've faithfully used their product.
DVDProfiler was my favorite but slow updates and no MacOSX support have made me switch. Collectorz support is fantastic. Well done!
I already own DVD Profiler 3 but it does NOT allow me to add movies by title and it is bulky and very limited compared to your program. I added an image of a movie I have and that was so cool. This program truly rocks!
I am a clinical chemist and I know quality software when I see it. Yes, those were the days when I grew up on DBase, R:Base, FoxPro, Delphi and Access. Whatever your api is written in says wow and screams GREAT CODING AND AWESOME INTERFACE....
THANK YOU AGAIN X 100,000 TO THE THIRD DUDE! order on its way!!!