Catalog your DVDs and Blu-rays
iOS & Android

Windows & macOS

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!
Both CLZ Movies Mobile and CLZ Movies Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Movies Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Movies Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.
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I was also able to group the movies by location - for which i used bin ID’s. Since my wife no longer wamted the 300+ dvd’s displayed on shelves i am able to store them in bins.
Anyone can peruse the library and see the bin number that each dvd is located in for easy retrieval.
Reviews from customers
All those tapes eventually went to a dumpster, along with our VCR. So I began to acquire DVDs. Recently I thought, “Why not have a directory/catalog of those discs like my old VHS catalog?” And then I thought, surely there must be an app to make this easier and not require me to type everything.
Two days ago, I checked out the App Store and downloaded a different app. At first, it seemed to work great, finding most titles from their barcodes, and I was excited. The following day, however, it wouldn’t find ANY cover images, and it then lost ALL the images from my library.
I did some Googling and read nice things about CLZ, so I downloaded it. That was yesterday. CLZ was superior in every way to the original app I’d tried: so fast, so thorough, and with the added benefits of movie trailers, IMDB ratings…and most importantly, the ability to sync between my iPad and my phone. I quickly added about a hundred movies last night and will do many more in the next day or two. Just this morning, I realized how to add things by title for a wish list.
Sorry about the lengthy message, but TL;DR I LOVE your app! It does everything I needed, plus much more. Scrolling through all those beautiful covers is really gratifying.
You’ve done a great job and I look forward to using it for a long, long time.
An essential app for any movie buff worth their popcorn salt.
To organize my DVDs and Blu-rays, I use an app called CLZ Movies so I can see [the titles in] my library wherever I am. If it made my collection, I consider the movie a masterpiece. I often review movies to friends by saying, “I liked it, but it didn’t make the shelf.”
Source: Interview The Wall Street Journal
I currently have approximately 900 DVD/Blue Ray movies. The Movie Collector program creates an excellent DVD / Blu-ray library. Additionally, with so many movies in my library, many times I'm unable to remember the subject material of a particular movie I haven't watched for many months.
Also, the program allows me to construct a catalogue with the different things I want to select from my master movie list. Right now, one of the things in my catalogue are the synopsis of each movie. My guests can review my printed catalogue and the synopsis allows the to select a movie that is of interest to them.
I am thrilled with the movie collector program; the subscription cost is very reasonable: the owners of the software are incredibly responsive if I have a question; the information provided in the program about the movies is exceptional. I have recommended the movie collector program to my friends on many occasions.
When it comes to service, I've had a far better customer service experience with you during my Movie Collector evaluation than I've had with Invelos in all the years that I've faithfully used their product.
At first, it started with just a couple of movies. Some that just looked really good on the screen – Hell Boy (#1), some that I always wanted to own – Big Night (#2)….some that my kids could watch over and over again – Air Bud (#14). (Side note, kids are the number one best way to get a spouse to agree to buying a movie). Then, the dam broke. Around 2009, the Hollywood Video store in our town was going out of business and they put all their movies on sale. This was like locking an addict in a pharmacy for the night. Staring at all the films with $3 and $5 dollar price tags…I began to see a bigger mission. I started thinking that I could build a collection and leave behind a legacy. Now I wanted to own all the movies that ever had an impact on my life. The films that scared me, made me laugh, made me cry….the movies that gave me direction. I wanted to own whole genres of films. Like a Last Will and Testament, this was going to be a collection that I could leave to my kids, like a digital message, that would live on after me. A collection that my kids could see and say, “these movies were what made my dad who he was”. Instead, I came home with about 40 films and my wife and kids looked at me like I had lost my mind. It was also on this night that I almost purchased a movie I already owned…
On August 20th, 2009, I paid about $25 to a company called Bitz & Pixelz for their cataloging program Collectorz. By this time, I had about 125 movies. Amazon was constantly putting movies on sale – Father’s Day Sale, Summer Sale, etc. Movies like Batman Begins (#45), Blade Runner (#62) and Casablanca (#82) were easily available. Every week, I would get e-mails about “This Week’s Hot New Releases”…. I was hooked. Logging movies into Collectorz became a weekly ritual. I’d think long and hard about which films would take up coveted spots in the collection – Riddick (#100), Hair (#200) and transformers 2 (#500). By the time Captain America came out in 2011, I had hit 1000 movies.
About a month ago, Avengers Infinity War became number 2000. My friends all have links to my Collectorz collection on their phones and I sync my collection across my home computer and all my devices. I travel a lot, so often on a late night flight, I’ll bring up my collection just to look at the cover art, read the plots and peruse the list actors, producers and actors. Many a Friday night, there will be a group of my kid’s friends huddled around the computer perusing the collection for a movie to watch – “sort by action”, “no, romance”….”don’t be crazy, comedy” – can be heard over the mouse clicks. Collectorz, being a one stop shop for the collection, triggers someone to ask to see the trailer, or ask “who stars in that one?”
I dread the day that they stop making Blu-Ray films. I love receiving the movie, holding it in my hands, logging it into my Collectorz catalog….and filing it on my shelf. In fact, some films are still in their wrapper - My wife and I joke that this will be our retirement. Fourteen years ago, I started something I hope I’ll never finish…and Collectorz is logging every step of this journey.
Then I found and I was in pure Heaven! I love how I can have all of the information that's listed in the CLZ cloud/library in my database - now I have well over 2,985 videos (DVD's and Blu-ray's only) and I cherish the software and the company who makes it!
I can't thank you enough!
I highly recommend Movie Collectorz for anyone who wants to keep track of their collection and prevent duplicate buying. With the mobile app there are no more bulky printouts to drag around and the camera works as a scanner so you can add new purchases immediately. Insurance companies will either love or hate you as you now have an accurate list of your movies. There are also features for lending titles to friends and family, so you know what is not with you at any time. Check it out, it is well worth the investment!
Now on to comics and books. Ah, the Collectorz life.
Totdat ik Movie Collector ontdekte: jullie heetten toen geloof ik nog Bitz & Pixelz of zoiets. Toen ik Movie Collector had geïnstalleerd dacht ik: Dit is het! Hier heb ik jarenlang naar gezocht! Vervolgens ben ik wekenlang elk vrij moment bezig geweest met het inkloppen van ongeveer 1200 speelfilms (ruim 600 VHS-videobanden) De link in Movie Collector met IMDB bestond toen nog niet, en ik had bij het opnemen van de films gaandeweg al veel informatie vastgelegd vanuit filmcatalogi en TV-programmagidsen (met name Veronica en FilmNet). Toen eindelijk alles in Movie Collector was ingevoerd had ik dus een fantastische database van mijn filmverzameling, met acteurs, regisseurs en noem maar op. Ik heb steeds ook de nieuwe releases van de software gevolgd en ik zag de mogelijkheden groeien. Mijn VHS-banden heb ik later verkocht aan een andere filmliefhebber, maar mijn verzameling bouwde zich geleidelijk weer op via DVD's zowel zelf opgenomen als gekocht.
Een beetje op dezelfde wijze ging het met Music Collector. Toen ik mijn verzameling CD's wilde vastleggen kende ik Movie Collector al een poosje , dus toen ben ik meteen Music Collector gaan aanschaffen. Ik beheer er ongeveer 800 CD's mee (meest klassiek). Beide programma's zou ik niet willen missen.
Het gebruik van de software is bij mij de laatste tijd wel veranderd: ik neem minder films op dan vroeger, met name ook door het gigantische aanbod wat er is. Ik ontvang hier Film1 en HBO en ik neem eigenlijk alleen de echt sterke films op (omdat ik die wellicht nog wel eens wil terugzien) en series, omdat ik het liefst de afleveringen ervan achter elkaar bekijk. Voor muziek heb ik Spotify en ik koop dus minder muziek. Wel download ik soms albums via iTunes en die beheer ik dan weer in Music Collector. Kortom. het blijft op de een of andere manier doorgaan.
Dit is wel zo ongeveer mijn verhaal over de Collectors. Voor het beheer van media is er niks beters, dat hoeven jullie niet meer aan te tonen. O ja, dat zou ik nog bijna vergeten. Ik gebruik apps voor Movie en Music Collector op mijn iPhone.
I will recommend your program software and scanner to all my friends and family.
Thanks again.
I've started loading my DVD list. It'll take a while with over 600. My wife and I love movies and we've been very selective and I think we have built quite an eclectic library!
I had my entire library of DVD's organized in the software in a matter of 45 mins or so!
The software is great and the scanner is outstanding! On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate your products a 20!!! (off the charts!)
Keep up the good work!