Video Game Barcode Scanner
Easily catalog your game collection
Automatically download game details and imagesLike developer, publisher, game description & cover art.
Just search our huge online game database ... ... by scanning their barcodes.
Game values powered by PriceChartingGame values are updated daily, based on Loose / CIB / New status.
Mobile app for your phone or tablet
iOS & Android
iOS & Android

USD $19.95
per year
More about the mobile app
Web-based software for your computer
Windows & macOS
Windows & macOS

USD $39.95
per year
More about the web app
CLZ Games
Mobile + Web
CLZ Games Mobile
1 year
CLZ Games Web
1 year
USD $0.00
USD $0.00
save USD $0.00
Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!
Both CLZ Games Mobile and CLZ Games Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Games Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Games Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.
Latest software updates
Dec 25, 2024
Works great
I’ve used this app for years and I love it. It’s very easy to add games by barcode or manually. Sorts well. Nice search. Best of all, backup to cloud works great. As a collector with 800+ games across 14 platforms, I’d be lost without it!
Reviews from customers
Oct 28, 2024
Beaucoup de points appréciables
Nickel pour tenir à jour sa collection !! L'estimatif de la valeur globale de la collection, l'ajout par scan, l'alerte de doublons,... beaucoup de points appréciables. Il ne manque qu'une version française pour que l'appli soit parfaite !
Jul 31, 2024
The games database is huge
Excellent application, the interface is easy to use, the games database is huge and the games are easy to add symply by scanning the barcode. You can add hardware as well.
Jul 16, 2024
Einfach genial
Einfach genial für einen gaming fan like me. Scanner dabei, geniale Bibliothek und wenn was fehlt erstelle ich eben selbst einen Eintrag. Gab kurz ein Problem, es wurde aber SOFORT vom Support geholfen und jetzt habe ich meine Sammlung immer im Blick.
Jul 15, 2024
CLZ Games is a game-changer for managing my video game collection! The app's sleek design and user-friendly interface make it a joy to use. Adding games is a breeze with barcode scanning, and the database even recognizes obscure titles.
Customization options let me personalize my collection, and the search functions make finding any game easy.
Cloud sync keeps my data safe and accessible from any device. Regular updates and great support show the developers' dedication. Highly recommended!
Customization options let me personalize my collection, and the search functions make finding any game easy.
Cloud sync keeps my data safe and accessible from any device. Regular updates and great support show the developers' dedication. Highly recommended!
Jul 3, 2024
Great customer service
Had a issue scanning games in, emailed support and Alwin responded straight away saying they was doing maintenance on the server, assured me it’d work again in 15 mins and to his word the app is working great again! Best £2 I spend a month!!
Jun 16, 2024
Adding games is painless and fast
Got CLZ because GameEye's backup file didn't work and a whole 2 days of scanning games down the drain. So far I'm liking CLZ, adding games is painless and fast. The interface is pretty user-friendly and has a ton of options for adding games. Does cost money, but we're as Gameeye is free, but if it allows you to back up the list and import it, if I get a new phone, it's worth the money.
May 7, 2024
What a time saver !!!
I downloaded this app to see if I could catalogue my video games and hardware collection and was really surprised on how easy it was. The fact that I can scan the bar codes of my games and it automatically finds the details has saved me hours, no, days of searching and typing information. This gets 5 stars from me.
Apr 2, 2024
It's great!
I've scanned a load of my games and it's really helped me feel less anxious about all the stuff I've got!
Feb 2, 2024
You have nailed it with this app
It was easy to add majority of my game using the barcode scanner and saved tons of time in this process. I was watching an old episode of Metal Jesus Rocks when he mentioned how much he enjoys the app and recommends it for collectors, I wouldn't know about the app without his YouTube video.
I love the statistics part of the app that breaks down the collection. Well worth the price and very happy!
I love the statistics part of the app that breaks down the collection. Well worth the price and very happy!
Dec 26, 2023
CLZ game j’adore
Très bonne application que j’utilise depuis plusieurs années et franchement avec plus de 2000 jeux synchronisés a l’intérieur c juste top en plus c super rapide et simple avec le scan du code barre bon il y en as rarement qui ne fonctionne pas ou qui ne correspond pas c juste génial manque juste le français et ce sera parfait .
Nov 28, 2023
Happy so far!
Nice app for tracking your collection. Easy to enter games manually or with the bar code scanner. Would be nice if it allowed the tracking of guides as well. Great way to have your inventory on your phone.
Jul 10, 2023
Highly recommend!
Subscription to this app is extremely cheap and worth it. Whether you're collecting or trying to quickly price out your collection with the scan of the game's barcode, this app makes it all very easy to do.
Jun 2, 2023
So far so good. Barcode reader saves so much time. Easy to use and navigate.
Mar 11, 2023
Highly recommended
After downloading the movie app and had a good experience.i downloaded the game app saves a lot of work listing them on a spreadsheet like I used to do just scan and save highly recommended.
Feb 19, 2023
Soooo gut
Preise, Cover, Scanner... der junge hat sich echt Mühe gemacht. Ich war skeptisch aber die 15 EU pro Jahr geb ich wirklich gerne aus. Kleines Update nach über einem Jahr Nutzung. Die Updates sind spitze. Die App hat noch nie gezickt. Alles funktioniert wunderbar. Leute, ganz ehrlich, ihr zahlt Unsummen für cib Spiele, das hier ist wirklich jeden Cent wert.
Feb 4, 2023
I don't know how I lived without it
Must have app for serious enthusiasts and collectors. Metal Jesus recommended the app on his channel and I don't know how I lived without it. The scan barcode features makes inventorying the collection so easy. Very intuitive and easy to use.
Jan 19, 2023
Amazing app and fast support
I scanned all my video games flawlessly (tried with gameye free app before but most of my games were not scanned). Here it just works. It adds the value of your entire collection hardware and games. You can easily indicate the condition of your games and what you have (box, manual..) and price updates. You can add what you paid for and when and how much you resell it for if you are a reseller. Not a reseller but great to manage collection. I love it.
Dec 13, 2022
Easy to use
Barcode scanner works very well. PAL and NTSC game options.
Nov 27, 2022
It's great. Simple to fix if there is an error while scanning the barcode. But the database seems to always be up to date.
Nov 15, 2022
Easy to use
Barcode scanner works very well. PAL and NTSC game options.
Sep 25, 2022
Self entitlement
It really blows my mind reading some of the 1 star reviews on this app, none of them are anything negative about the app it’s all must idiots crying about having to pay money for something that has taken many many hours of time and effort to make, this isn’t someone’s GitHub project it’s a businesses product ,they just expect everything for free, this app is well worth the 20 odd dollars a year if you are a serious game collector it scans and finds 99 percent of games you scan including pal libraries, sure there is other apps filled with ads that only support ntsc go use and enjoy your ad infested rubbish I’ll keep using CLZ games.
Aug 27, 2022
Top App
Easy and fast scanning.
Aug 10, 2022
Keeping track of your gaming collection
Excellent software for keeping track of your gaming collection. Very interesting and helpful metrics are included. Cloud backup. Enter your titles by scanning barcodes, typing on the info. Very easy to use.
Jun 19, 2022
Amazing app
Been using this app for a few years now and it is amazing. I am able to scan games into inventory and see what the going prices on games are. It's a must have for me.
May 10, 2022
Really really like it
I've been using CLZ games for a year now and I really really like it. The best part is almost all PAL games scan via barcode without issue.
May 8, 2022
Soooo gut
Preise, Cover, Scanner... der junge hat sich echt Mühe gemacht. Ich war skeptisch aber die 15 EU pro Jahr geb ich wirklich gerne aus.
Mar 29, 2022
Great App for Collectors
For years I have been searching for a gaming catalogue that is Australia friendly. This app is simple and fantastic to use. With the barcode scanner I was able to add my large gaming collection to the app within minutes with only a small handful of games not being barcode recognised. The ones that weren’t, I easily able to manually add via the search function. 100% worth the price.
Jan 31, 2022
Working perfectly
The app is actually working perfectly fine for me and its easy to use. I am a Switch Game collector from Germany, since i have a lot of Switch games and dont want to buy duplicates i was searching for a perfect app to help me out to catalog my game collection.
One of your best features is the Barcode Scanner, also having the Prices from Pricecharting and so on. The Price for the Subscribtion for your app is also perfectly fine, i mean an app like yours for a price like this, i really like to support tbh with a subscription.
One of your best features is the Barcode Scanner, also having the Prices from Pricecharting and so on. The Price for the Subscribtion for your app is also perfectly fine, i mean an app like yours for a price like this, i really like to support tbh with a subscription.
Dec 30, 2021
Very good thanks
Really loving being able to scan all my games . Surprisingly the price of some of the old titles and I still won't sell them lol
Dec 24, 2021
Works great
Barcode scanner is a huge help for modern games.