Music Library Software
Keep track of your music library
iOS & Android

Windows & macOS

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!
Both CLZ Music Mobile and CLZ Music Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Music Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Music Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.
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Reviews from customers
I recommend it without reservation!
Great support also when you have questions or suggestions. I'm really enjoying this experience.
Einziger Wermutstropfen nicht alle Informationen werden in der CLZ Music App für iOS angezeigt aber für die Information unterwegs reicht es dicke und in einem Punkt ist die CLZ App besser geeignet als die Mac App … um Tags zu vergeben und die Titelliste des einzelnen Albums mit Sternen zu versehen, da alles im gleichen Fenster bleibt, nicht wie bei der Mac App wo sich ein Extra Fenster für jeden Song öffnet und unter iOS habe ich die Emojis gleich mit drin in der Tastatur. Ich setze hinter jeden Song je nach Qualität jeweilige Sterne 1-6 und kann so gleich sehen welche Songs mir gefallen, dazu tagge ich die Alben nach Stimmung, Top Album, Top Song, Geheimtipp, Radiosong usw. … viel Aufwand aber zum erstellen von Playlists ist es extrem effektiv und erleichternd.
Wer Musik, seine Library und Informationen dazu liebt ist mit CLZ und Music Collector, Gold richtig, von daher verdiente 5 *****.
Again thank you team- You are appreciated.
I also catalogue SACDs and the, so far, few high resolution digital files I’ve also started to buy. Using the ‘location’ field I don’t need to care much about which cabinet, rack, bookcase etc a specific CD is or which music is on digital files. I just browse as the mood takes me, looking at the art work and track listings using iPad or iPhone and once selected the location tells me how to quickly find it.
CLZ is by far the best of several ‘library’ Apps I’ve paid for over many years. Although some have suggested it’s rather expensive, looking at who’s behind it ( and my experience, the first time the whole process was easy and quick enough to catalogue my whole collections without giving up on the App, I feel it’s well worth it. These folk have been around for a very long time with desktop library applications and, hopefully, will be around a very long time to come and continue to provide great support too.
anyway...your crew looks like a great group of people and I think you've got the very best software in the world for organizing data for wanted you to know I'm a big fan of the work you guys do.
I'm still storing music LP's in plastic file/box bins so I can easily flip threw them...and weight doesn't get overwhelming...also...always kinda think...what if there were a fire here...Id want to be able to grab my music and go....not possible if they are all on shelves, ya know?
Thank You!
If I had known about this in the detail that I have learned in only a few hours I would have bought this a long time ago. Being very comfortable with Movie Collector, this was a very quick learning curve and I am into it more now than ever. I have accumulated over 300 albums in many years, and had recently converted everyone of them to MP3 and stored them digitally.
Now this software comes into my life and I can sort, and find everything instantly again.
Thank you. If I had a library or collected comics I'd probably go there too, but I don't. Great as always.
This is for the CD library of the New Orleans Musica da Camera, a non-profit performing ensemble of early music which I founded & co-direct. We are now in our 43rd year.
Thanks again for your prompt attention and for the software!
I've been using Music Collector to keep track of my small (125 disc) CD collection in a jukebox. Works perfectly. Really appreciate the ability to produce reports in various sort orders, such as by index or alphabetically.
Amazed at the number of CD's in the library, especially some obscure ones such as 'Aangenaam Klassiek'. Yes, I am Dutch by origin, but moved to Canada about 27 years ago!