Music Library Software

Keep track of your music library

Automatically download album details and imagesLike artist, title, label, song list & cover art.
Just search our huge online music library ... ... by artist & title, by barcode or by inserting musics.
Over 4 million CD / vinyl barcodes recognizedGuaranteed 94% success rate on your barcode searches!
CLZ Music icon CLZ Music
Mobile app for your phone or tablet
iOS & Android
USD $19.95 per year
More about the mobile app
CLZ Music icon CLZ Music
Web-based software for your computer
Windows & macOS
USD $39.95 per year
More about the web app
CLZ Music
Mobile + Web
CLZ Music Mobile
1 year
CLZ Music Web
1 year
USD $0.00
USD $0.00
save USD $0.00

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!

Both CLZ Music Mobile and CLZ Music Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Music Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Music Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.

Latest software updates

May 8, 2022
Keep track of my music library
I have the app for movies and was pleasantly surprised to find out that CLZ had an app for music collections. So much easier to keep track of my music library than writing them down... and my lists travel with me so I don't buy the same music again and again.
Timothy Hatchett on CLZ Music Mobile

Reviews from customers

Jun 15, 2021
Thorough. Efficient. Easy.
Thanks to Alwin Hoogerdijk and his professional staff, even a computer klutz such as I, can use this catalogue system for my huge and diverse music library. They go far above and beyond normal technical assistance offered by any other cataloguing apps.
I recommend it without reservation!
I'll! on CLZ Music Mobile
May 18, 2021
Invaluable app
Fantastically useful - in fact, invaluable to anyone who has accumulated an extensive music library - whether CD or vinyl of any size. Your entire collection and wish list all in one place.
Burger Prods on CLZ Music Mobile
Dec 31, 2020
Highly recommended
Been using CLZ music from the very beginning when it was only PC based, can highly recommend to anyone thinking of keeping track of their music library. With the latest update released 2 or 3 days ago, I experienced issues with adding albums in core, contacted support and they fixed the issue within a day, new update just released. Excellent work and support by these dedicated guys and girls. Thank you.
Kenneth Luke on CLZ Music Mobile
Jul 20, 2020
This is a Great APP
It zaps the CD details straight from the BarCode and then syncs Online. data can be edited but It's very quick to build your music collection and it's great to have to your library in your pocket. No more duplicate CD buys.
Great support also when you have questions or suggestions. I'm really enjoying this experience.
Peter Gordon on CLZ Music Mobile
Jun 9, 2020
Ein Traum für Music Junkies
Ich hatte bisher all die Jahre nur die CLZ Music App benutzt und war schon echt zufrieden aber mit der Music Collector App für Mac werden alle Grenzen des katalogisierens gesprengt. Man kann so gut wie alles einfügen Videolinks, Weblinks, Bandmitglieder mit Foto und Weblinks, Produzenten, Soundstudio usw. und die 30€ Jahresgebühr sind sowas von solide angelegt. Ich bin alles andere als ein Abbo Fan aber für diese Kombi, Sehr gerne.
Einziger Wermutstropfen nicht alle Informationen werden in der CLZ Music App für iOS angezeigt aber für die Information unterwegs reicht es dicke und in einem Punkt ist die CLZ App besser geeignet als die Mac App … um Tags zu vergeben und die Titelliste des einzelnen Albums mit Sternen zu versehen, da alles im gleichen Fenster bleibt, nicht wie bei der Mac App wo sich ein Extra Fenster für jeden Song öffnet und unter iOS habe ich die Emojis gleich mit drin in der Tastatur. Ich setze hinter jeden Song je nach Qualität jeweilige Sterne 1-6 und kann so gleich sehen welche Songs mir gefallen, dazu tagge ich die Alben nach Stimmung, Top Album, Top Song, Geheimtipp, Radiosong usw. … viel Aufwand aber zum erstellen von Playlists ist es extrem effektiv und erleichternd.
Wer Musik, seine Library und Informationen dazu liebt ist mit CLZ und Music Collector, Gold richtig, von daher verdiente 5 *****.
Fran67 on CLZ Music Mobile
May 3, 2020
LOVE the CLZ apps
These database programs are such a great find! I just inherited a large library of book and vinyl and want to share them with my communities, but could only imagine how daunting it was going to be to inventory, catalogue and upload, but with CLZ I inventoried more than 400 books in 2 days, and have already had success sharing, so cool! Just expanded my subscription to include music and its even easier and faster adding albums!
Lisa Johnson on CLZ Music Mobile
Apr 1, 2020
It pays for itself
Not a question but a thank you for the teams effort and consistency with Music Collector especially during the current situation. I always thought of building a music database to manage my rather large and eclectic music library. It would have taken a few years (if at all) to even come close to what you offer. I would recommend Music Collector to anyone that has a music collection. It makes music that much more fun. If I think of a song just type it in Music Collector and there it is. Just have to pull it from my analog collection and away I go. It actually has saved money. It used to be frustrating (and expensive) when buying old analog tapes or vinyl only to discover that I already had it. Now if I am buying I always check Music Collector to make sure it is not something I already own. It pays for itself.
Again thank you team- You are appreciated.
Raven Vollmer (USA)
Feb 20, 2020
Love it
It has an enormous library of all vinyl and cd's up to the oldest/rarest... Impressive!
Stino Claes on CLZ Music Mobile
Feb 18, 2020
Useful software
I'm user of MusicCollector from long time ago, and I am fully satisfied with all the features of this software to manage my CD library and listen to audio files linked from the desktop version. As always, congratulations on this awesome and useful software.
Carles Torras Arnal (Spain)
Dec 1, 2019
Scans are Quick
Added to iPhone and started quickly scanning CD’s. I had a few questions and received quick response from the developer. Looking forward to taming my large music library.
GasNSteering on CLZ Music Mobile
Jul 6, 2019
I LOVE this app
I searched for what seems like forever for an app to create a library/ database of my music . I also love the fact that I can input the format, where I bought it, how much I paid, & where it is stored. I recommend this app 100% to family, friends, & even strangers. The developers are and have always been great about responding to any questions or concerns.
Stephanie B on CLZ Music Mobile
Apr 28, 2019
CLZ Music Library Database
This app is so easy to use and also edit, instantly look up your music library information online and keep a track of everything you have, a must buy for any Music Collector!
Pestywestie on CLZ Music Mobile
Mar 14, 2019
A really great CD/Vinyl/Media Music Library
For anyone wanting to access their CD, Vinyl or even digital file collection quickly, rather than try and remember what they have or where it is, this is a great App. In a few short sessions I catalogued over 500 CDs that were scattered about in various cabinets, racks, bookcases etc... Typically, each just needed a rapid barcode scan, with just a few percent needing a manual edit. Such edits were needed as the barcode related to the wrong CD, mostly just the wrong version and a very few the wrong CD totally, or there was no CD found. In these cases the catalogue number worked for me except for three very obscure CDs that I needed to fully manually add including a cover picture.

I also catalogue SACDs and the, so far, few high resolution digital files I’ve also started to buy. Using the ‘location’ field I don’t need to care much about which cabinet, rack, bookcase etc a specific CD is or which music is on digital files. I just browse as the mood takes me, looking at the art work and track listings using iPad or iPhone and once selected the location tells me how to quickly find it.

CLZ is by far the best of several ‘library’ Apps I’ve paid for over many years. Although some have suggested it’s rather expensive, looking at who’s behind it ( and my experience, the first time the whole process was easy and quick enough to catalogue my whole collections without giving up on the App, I feel it’s well worth it. These folk have been around for a very long time with desktop library applications and, hopefully, will be around a very long time to come and continue to provide great support too.

AdtAdt on CLZ Music Mobile
Mar 3, 2019
The best app out there
I have been a fan of their PC-based software. Now the mobile app version makes things so easy, and it still packs a whole lot of the full-fledged software version. It is really the best CD or digital music library app out there, in the whole world!
Working Boy on CLZ Music Mobile
Nov 13, 2018
Versatile app
A great app to organize your music library. Very versatile!
Art Walicki on CLZ Music Mobile
Oct 9, 2018
Excellent products for collectors
The products of Collectorz are an excellent way to catalog your music, movie, comic book collections. I have used Music Collector for years and recently began using Movie Collector and Comic Collector. They are very easy to use and their library contains a huge wealth of information, including pictures of album jackets and comic covers. It is an excellent way to catalog and inventory your collectibles.
Daniel Hoyt (USA)
Mar 19, 2018
Just what I was looking for
Easiest way yet to catalog your music library.
Ervin Friedman on CLZ Music Mobile
Nov 9, 2017
The right app for cataloging
CLZ Music is the right app for you to catalogue all your music library such CDs , vinyls and blu ray discs. Easy to use and above all a really awesome app to have if you are a serious music lover. Enjoy the music and the app.
Jimmy Lim on CLZ Music Mobile
Oct 24, 2017
Music library
Easiest way yet to catalog your music library.
Ervin Friedman on CLZ Music Mobile
Jul 26, 2017
Great product for personal collections
My partner and I are vinyl collectors. We have cataloged over a thousand titles. I love the flexibility of creating some of your own field headers, and setting some default fields to auto-populate. I do cataloging for a major academic library and this is a great product for personal collections.
Christopher Mixon on CLZ Music Mobile
Feb 5, 2017
Great Little App
After years of relying on iTunes for my music library (mostly for convenience), I found I missed the tactile aspects of thumbing through albums & CDs and had forgotten how vastly superior they sound to mp3s. With so many old CDs and records in my collection, I wanted a way to catalog them separate from iTunes and came upon this app. I have to say I'm seriously impressed, and that's not easy to do these days with so many crap apps out there. This downloaded quickly and was attractive and simple to figure out, and within minutes I had added 30 CDs - both by scanning UPC codes and adding by artist/album if there wasn't one. Then came the moment of truth, seeing this database on other devices. That too was flawless, I set up a free account, synced my first device to the cloud, then downloaded the app on my next device and synced it. Kaboom, there it was. It even worked on my first generation iPad from 2010 that became our iTunes remote (and now music database). I paid for the app immediately just to say thanks for designing something that works the way you hope it will yet so rarely does. Nice job!
ScottsdaleDoodle on CLZ Music Mobile
Jan 1, 2017
Must Have
This is a must have for music collectors. For years I have been using Music Collector desktop software and Music Connect (free) on my phone as a web bookmark which worked ok to view the library but this android app (on samsung 5) is so much more usable. I don't normally buy apps on phones, let alone do reviews. The camera on the phone works well to scan the barcodes and it synched with my existing library with no issues. I like the view and sort by options which was clunky on the phone/web bookmark. And just in case there are any doubters, my non-techie husband was scanning within minutes. One recommendation (out of loyalty to the product) I would like to see a way to add a multi-disc CD as one album like on the desktop version. Thank you, thank you, thank you,
Sharon Kunesh on CLZ Music Mobile
Jan 23, 2016
Recent email w/photos from trip to LONDON
I've got a very old version of CLZ and hope to upgrade soon...haven't had money to add to my music collection for many years, but every time I go to public library to borrow some of their cd's I cant help but wish they'd start using your software to keep track of their music/video collections at least...
anyway...your crew looks like a great group of people and I think you've got the very best software in the world for organizing data for wanted you to know I'm a big fan of the work you guys do.
I'm still storing music LP's in plastic file/box bins so I can easily flip threw them...and weight doesn't get overwhelming...also...always kinda think...what if there were a fire here...Id want to be able to grab my music and go....not possible if they are all on shelves, ya know?
Ruth Lovinsohn (USA)
Apr 23, 2014
Great app
So far everything I've scanned comes up, but the 14.99 price is a bit steep, but it's the easiest app I've found so far to keep track of my large cd library.
JustJack2000 on CLZ Music Mobile
Oct 2, 2013
Build the library
It took me long to come to the final decision (to build the library for my music in CDs), but when I came to it, I knew that I need serious guide in this world of long searches, hunts and cataloging. I have landed in your page and here I am - the one of your customers. It is almost a year when I am seriously building my collection (with your support) and today would like to share the "new" house for my CDs. It is not much, only 300+, but I am very proud to be in your family.
Thank You!
Mantas Azusienis (Lithuania)
Jul 11, 2013
Just wanted to mention that after 4 years of Movie Collector Pro, I went with your generous offer of a new application at half price today, and picked up the MP3/Music organizer.
If I had known about this in the detail that I have learned in only a few hours I would have bought this a long time ago. Being very comfortable with Movie Collector, this was a very quick learning curve and I am into it more now than ever. I have accumulated over 300 albums in many years, and had recently converted everyone of them to MP3 and stored them digitally.
Now this software comes into my life and I can sort, and find everything instantly again.
Thank you. If I had a library or collected comics I'd probably go there too, but I don't. Great as always.
Richard Niles (USA)
Aug 27, 2008
Just fantastic
In June I purchased your Music Collector Pro program which I think is just fantastic. I use it to catalog our ever growing CD collection of now some 4,000 recordings.
This is for the CD library of the New Orleans Musica da Camera, a non-profit performing ensemble of early music which I founded & co-direct. We are now in our 43rd year.
Milton Scheuermann
Jan 18, 2007
Very pleased
I just completed adding all my CD albums to my CD Library. I am very pleased with your software. In fact, the more I use the software the better I like the wide scope of possibilities that is available.
Joe Loreti
Dec 9, 2006
I love the software
I love the software---I have over 1000 books in my home library and would never keep them straight without Book Collector---high recommend it! Now I can enjoy the Music Collector and will put it to good use as my CD collection is also growing and getting more difficult to organize.

Thanks again for your prompt attention and for the software!

Brenda Ough
Dec 14, 2000
Thought you might like to recieve feedback from a user.
I've been using Music Collector to keep track of my small (125 disc) CD collection in a jukebox. Works perfectly. Really appreciate the ability to produce reports in various sort orders, such as by index or alphabetically.

Amazed at the number of CD's in the library, especially some obscure ones such as 'Aangenaam Klassiek'. Yes, I am Dutch by origin, but moved to Canada about 27 years ago!

Bernard Pon