CD Database Software
Keep track of your CD collection
iOS & Android

Windows & macOS

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!
Both CLZ Music Mobile and CLZ Music Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Music Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Music Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.
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The reason I bought this software is to see if I have a particular song (usually on some compilation CD of greatest hits of the 80's or something) where there are various artists. Do I have a copy of "Secret Agent Man" by Johnny Rivers?....well this software will find it if its in there to be found! The whole point being not to buy duplicates so to find if I have it already (and odds ARE I DO!!)...But where? On What CD Might it appear???? This program EASILY solves the problem I wanted to solve, and as far as I am concerned is money well spent, and that sir, is the very definition of VALUE!
Reviews from customers
Het werd noodzaak om een database van mijn cd's en lp's aan te leggen. Dus ik op zoek naar een geschikte oplossing. Vervolgens kwam ik Music Collector tegen. De verzameling op de computer vastleggen en vervolgens via een app beschikbaar hebben op mijn smartphone.
Fantastisch! Bovendien was het invoeren van gegevens erg simpel. Cd laten scannen en alle gegevens werden vastgelegd. Voor wat betreft de lp's...artiest en titel moest ik intypen. Het was een aantal avonden werk om de bestaande verzameling in te voeren, maar met plezier gedaan.
Mijn verzameling bestaat uit veel "onbekende" cd's en lp's (ik heb veel jazzrock/fusion albums) en wat schetste mijn verbazing: bijna alles werd getraceerd door Music Collector. Je krijgt ook de hoes en vermelding nummers erbij. En het mooi is dat de database met een symbooltje kan aangeven of het om een cd of een lp gaat. Ik heb namelijk veel "dubbel".
Na het invoeren van mijn verzameling in de computer kon ik alles keurig exporteren naar mijn smartphone. Nieuwe aankopen voer ik nu meteen in en synchroniseer ik met de database in de smartphone. Het werkt fantastisch.
Als ik nu op een platenbeurs of in een platenzaak ben dan kan ik altijd checken of ik een lp of cd wel of niet thuis in de kast heb staan. Nog een voordeel...via CLZ Cloud kan ik anderen inzage geven in mijn verzameling. Erg handig.
Kortom. Music Collector is een aanrader voor ieder muziekliefhebber en kan ik een ieder van harte aanbevelen.
I bought a barcode reader and it is just soooo good entering the DVDs. I haven't finished entering them all yet, but I've been wanting this kind of database for years & years. The search facility for tracks on the CD database is MAGIC.
Keep up the good work
Any CD on your database that doesn't have the cover artwork I'm able to get a copy from Google images 99% of the time.
Thanks again for such easy to use and affordable software.
I've wanted to organize my collection of Early Music for some time and didn't know to turn. And with nearly 2,000 CDs, I was losing track of what I have, and where I have it!
I've started entering my CDs into the database and find it's very quick and easy to use!
I'm really enjoying myself, too!
Thanks again, and it's nice to know there are so many "helping hands" available if I need assistance.
J'ai enfin décidé de l'acheté ... A peine arrivé, je l'installe facilement en usb, et j'essaie un CD. Une seconde, le code est lu, la recherche est lancée dans la base et mon CD apparaît à l'écran! Quelle facilité! Je sais que j'aurai toujours des petits labels qui resteront introuvables mais j'ai retrouvé l'envie d'entrer toute ma discothèque sur ordi!
Un outil utile qui doit pouvoir servir à autre chose puisque plusieurs sites en vendent maintenant de marque diffférente. Mais c'est risquer une incompatibilité avec Collectorz, donc, mieux vaut préférer l'original!
(maybe I'll move onto my DVDs next!?!)
When I purchased Audiograbber I liked the CDDB feature and thought there had to be a database program to catalogue CD's that also used CDDB so I started searching and evaluating various programs. I finally settled on Music Collector earlier this year using version 4.4.3. I reached the 25 limit and decided to buy it as it did everything I required and I was extremely impressed with your work.
Since that time I have also started collecting DVD's so when I had enough money to register decided to purchase Movie Collector at the same time. I did not even bother evaluating other DVD database programs, I bought it on the strength of Music Collector.
I could not believe how easy it was to scan a CD and download all details about the disc from the CDDB and then to be able to adjust some details that were not quite right quickly. I have always wanted to have a true data base of all my discs - now I will.
Thank you for a great program.
I have purchased other "collectors" software in the past, but nothing compares to this one, it is great! I have been in the music business for quite some time now and will be forwarding your site on to all of my friends.
Thanks for a great program & a great website!
I found details of your web site in our national Sunday newspaper, the Sunday Times. Someone equally anally-retentive wrote to the computer section enquiring as to how he could document his CDs. I kept the article and contacted you from that. Hope this info is of help.
Thanks for answering a 25 year old prayer. Your database is fantastic. I found that by saving the jpegs of CD covers from Amazon in the My Pictures file I can import them into my Cd database. This keeps getting better and better (but my wife and kids think I'm a bit obsessive)! Logging on to Collectorz is like going back to the mothership :)
I am a private party DJ and have around 800 cd's. Cataloging was going to be a nightmare no matter how I approached it. Spending the 25 bucks was the best investment my company has ever made. I had ALL my cd's cataloged within a week thanks to CDDB and this app. I was able to use it that weekend at a charity party I did.
The program helps tremendously with my search for that requested song that I just couldn't put my hands on. Now I don't have to say.. "yeah, I think I have that." My new response is, "let me check".