Keep track of your book collection

Just scan your ISBN barcodes

Automatically download book details by ISBNLike author, title, publisher, genres, subjects & cover art.
Just search our huge online book database ... ... by ISBN or by author & title.
Over 40 million ISBNs recognizedGuaranteed 97% success rate on your ISBN searches!
CLZ Books icon CLZ Books
Mobile app for your phone or tablet
iOS & Android
USD $19.95 per year
More about the mobile app
CLZ Books icon CLZ Books
Web-based software for your computer
Windows & macOS
USD $39.95 per year
More about the web app
CLZ Books
Mobile + Web
CLZ Books Mobile
1 year
CLZ Books Web
1 year
USD $0.00
USD $0.00
save USD $0.00

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!

Both CLZ Books Mobile and CLZ Books Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Books Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Books Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.

Reviews from customers

Jan 2, 2025
Huge range of functionality
Easy and fun to do. A great tool to keep track of you book collection.
Verdandee Velez on CLZ Books Mobile
Dec 31, 2024
Love this app
The best way to keep track of all my books. I absolutely love this app.
Dawn Sleight on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 28, 2024
Great App
I use it all the time to keep track of my books. Definitely recommend it.
Stuart Cathcart on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 27, 2024
Absolutely Love
This app is exactly what I was looking for to catalog my books. I found myself buying duplicates, and decided to go in search of an app that would help me keep track of my books. CLZ Books - library organizer does exactly that and more. I keep books in different rooms in my house, I can note where the books are, mark if I have loaned them out and to who, I can rate them and note when I read them and keep personal notes. It is easy to use, and after initially loading my books, I am able to scan new books easily to add them to the collection. Highly recommend if you have a good amount of books you would like to keep track of.
Booksrox (USA) on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 22, 2024
The best I’ve found
I have over 1200 books and have used a number of catalog apps over the years. CLZ Books does the job of keeping track of my library and gets syncing right. Most importantly (speaking as a software developer) they keep improving the app. It’s tough to make a business of niche software products. These folks have apparently figured out how to make a go of it and they keep improving. Kudos to them!
LEK2 (USA) on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 16, 2024
An excellent app
I have used this app for over a decade and it just continues to get better and better. I highly recommend it if you have a library of books to keep track of.
AndyW-Melbourne (USA) on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 15, 2024
Essential app for book lovers!
I have thousands of books collected over decades and the CLZ Books app helps me keep track of all of them. The CLZ team are also really helpful if I’ve ever had a query or need help with anything.
jjjcompass (Australia) on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 15, 2024
User-friendly for all age groups
Finding this app at 63 was a blessing. I have an extraordinary library and continue to collect, yet sometimes you find out you already have the book. This app has been helping me keep track of my existing library and when shopping, I pre-scan the book to ensure I don't own it. Thank you.
Sherlocked61 (USA) on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 6, 2024
A must have for every book lover!
I love this app! Was looking for a way of keeping track of my books and came across CLZ Books app. And couldn't recommend it hard enough! It is very simple to use for both populating the lists and consulting them.
Maria Cristina Stanco on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 6, 2024
Love the customization
Great app for keeping a log of all your books. I love the customization. If you have a movie collection, CLZ also has an app to keep track of that.
Sean Kazinsky on CLZ Books Mobile
Oct 12, 2024
Keep track of my library
I have always loved using this app to keep track of my home library and I'll always recommend it!
Amanda Bell on CLZ Books Mobile
Sep 3, 2024
Keep track of what books I own
I really only use it to keep track of what books I own, so when I'm out I can check this to see if I already own a book before I purchase. It’s great for that purpose.
Ashley Southard on CLZ Books Mobile
Aug 21, 2024
The best I have found
I have over 1200 books and have used a number of catalog apps over the years. CLZ Books does the job of keeping track of my library and gets syncing right. Most importantly (speaking as a software developer) they keep improving the app. It’s tough to make a business of niche software products. These folks have apparently figured out how to make a go of it and they keep improving. Kudos to them!
LEK2 (USA) on CLZ Books Mobile
Jun 18, 2024
Handy app
A really handy app to keep track of my ever increasing book collection. It also allows my family to check if I have a book before they buy any.
Paul Butler on CLZ Books Mobile
Jun 17, 2024
Highly recommended
The app does a great job of keeping track of my library. It's easy to add books, and to keep everything synced with my CLZ account in the cloud. Great support as well. I recently had an issue with the app (I couldn't add a new book), and the support team worked with me until the problem was resolved.
Tim Kynerd (Sweden) on CLZ Books Mobile
Mar 8, 2024
I love CLZ Books!!!
It’s the best way for me to keep track of all my books.
SAB Eselgroth on CLZ Books Mobile
Feb 14, 2024
Highly recommended
I'm been using this app for a few years now. I can't begin to tell you how pleased I've been with both it's performance and completeness. If you have books, movies, and music to keep track of I highly recommend this app.
Longhorn on CLZ Books Mobile
Jul 17, 2023
So easy
Makes it so easy to keep track of the books in our personal library!
Jessie Rohlmeier on CLZ Books Mobile
Feb 20, 2023
Great way to keep track of my written library.
Morg Jones on CLZ Books Mobile
Feb 17, 2023
I have used this app for the past 4 years as I collect manga, light novels, comics, and books. This app has been the best way for me to keep my collection organized and help me keep track of what I own. I especially like that I am able to manually add in any obscure titles that I may find into the database. I would highly recommend this app for anyone wanting to keep track of their book collection.
Brandon Nelson (USA) on CLZ Books Mobile
Jan 20, 2023
Just what I needed
App turned out to be just what I needed to keep track of my massive (and growing) book collection. Had way more of my titles automatically in the system than I thought going in (figured I'd have to add a lot of them manually but actually really smooth). Sytske helped me with a little issue but otherwise lovely app and people behind it.
Mecho Gecko on CLZ Books Mobile
Jan 4, 2023
My llbrary
Great way to keep track of my library.
Bruce Thacker on CLZ Books Mobile
Jul 30, 2022
Your library in your pocket
User friendly app to keep track of books, music, and more. Know what's in your media library and avoid duplicate purchases. You can even create a wish list for items to add to your library. Works on a desktop computer as well as a smart phone.
CB Youngblood on CLZ Books Mobile
Jul 17, 2022
Keep track of my books
I use this app to keep track of books I own and read. It is fantastic.
Angela castleberry on CLZ Books Mobile
Jul 9, 2022
Keep track of our extensive library
Best app we have found to keep track of our extensive library. Love that you can make personal notes as well.
Marie Culp on CLZ Books Mobile
Jun 17, 2022
Keeps me sane
I have had this app since 2018. This is the one app that has kept me sane. It does everything I need around books. All the memory is stored on the app so I do not have to worry about memory space. I have almost 800 books and this app has made it easier for me to know what I have, keep track of where the book is ( I am able to include notes on a book if I have to lend it out to friends or family) and adding new books is easy. I highly recommend this app to anyone who has or is planning to build their home library.
Quaydiquay (Canada) on CLZ Books Mobile
Jun 1, 2022
My book collection
This is a great app for keeping track of my book collection.
Michael Ryan on CLZ Books Mobile
May 22, 2022
Perfect to keep track of everything
Downloaded the trial and started adding books, upgraded to yearly subscription within 1/2 hour! Most of my library is packed away for a bigger house so this app is perfect to keep track of everything I have and don't have as I keep going with my collection. The book Nerd and organiser in me LOVES this app!
Lozzerella (USA) on CLZ Books Mobile
May 18, 2022
Easy to use
Great way to keep track of my books.
Ari Fisher on CLZ Books Mobile
May 10, 2022
The best book app
Best book catalogue ap ever So easy to keep track of my books.
jewel port on CLZ Books Mobile