Home Library Software
Catalog your book library
iOS & Android

Windows & macOS

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!
Both CLZ Books Mobile and CLZ Books Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Books Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Books Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.
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Reviews from customers
Update 6/23. Tech help prompt and responsive and App continues to be improved. Took 3 years to enter the thousands of books in our home library. Great having them at our fingertips. Now no second guessing about whether we've bought a book or read it before so, in addition to the unparalleled convenience our having the library on our phones we've saved more than it cost in not doubling up.
I have been a very satisfied customer for many years. It is so useful and fun! I never fall behind in keeping my new book purchases entered because with the phone app I can do it in 30 seconds or less!
I LOVE being able to scroll through my book library by viewing the covers! While reading a book, I can add personal notes for future reference and to make the book more searchable for me later ( like a note as to who recommended the book to me)
AND whenever I am having a conversation and want to tell someone about a book that is relevant, I quickly do a search of my collection ( on the app), even if I can’t remember the exact title or author, usually a key word is enough to find it.
Would you believe that my personal library is over 4,500 books? I would be overwhelmed without the Bookcollector products. It is so fun to have the info available right at my fingertips on my cellphone! And to know it is safely stored on the cloud. But even if you only have 100 books (or comics or music), I highly recommend CollectorZ. Truly a great value from a wonderful thoughtful supportive company with years of expert development!
As a blind computer user with Apple’s screen reader, I am always so grateful to find such a high degree of accessibility in a program like this. It is a blessing to be able to manage my home library without the need for much sighted help.
It is a credit to your programmers that the program is accessible. They obviously took care to meet the guidelines for its support. I suppose that not many blind folks care about books. My blindness came on in my 30s so I had a house full of treasures I wanted to recall, organize and pass along to my son. Audio books have kept me sane but there is nothing like a book in hand and turning a page. I fear before too long too few will be able to know that pleasure.
I have enjoyed working with you. Your communication skills are outstanding. I hope that whoever pays you recognizes the value in that .
If you are ever in the USA and near North Carolina, Do let me know. I would like to thank you in person and buy you dinner for all this effort on my behalf.