Home Library Software

Catalog your book library

Automatically download book details and imagesLike author, title, publisher, genres, subjects & cover art.
Just search our huge online book database ... ... by ISBN or by author & title.
Over 40 million ISBNs recognizedGuaranteed 97% success rate on your ISBN searches!
CLZ Books icon CLZ Books
Mobile app for your phone or tablet
iOS & Android
USD $19.95 per year
More about the mobile app
CLZ Books icon CLZ Books
Web-based software for your computer
Windows & macOS
USD $39.95 per year
More about the web app
CLZ Books
Mobile + Web
CLZ Books Mobile
1 year
CLZ Books Web
1 year
USD $0.00
USD $0.00
save USD $0.00

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!

Both CLZ Books Mobile and CLZ Books Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Books Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Books Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.

Reviews from customers

Jun 21, 2023
Great for keeping track of books
Barcode scanner fantastic. Good online database for manual search.
Update 6/23. Tech help prompt and responsive and App continues to be improved. Took 3 years to enter the thousands of books in our home library. Great having them at our fingertips. Now no second guessing about whether we've bought a book or read it before so, in addition to the unparalleled convenience our having the library on our phones we've saved more than it cost in not doubling up.
Barry Powell on CLZ Books Mobile
Apr 25, 2023
Love Bookcollector!
You guys are SO AWSOME!! I LOVE both the app and online, though I am using the app most of the time now. It is wonderful to be able to scan in new boioks and and notes, edit, wherever I am! I am happy to support!
I have been a very satisfied customer for many years. It is so useful and fun! I never fall behind in keeping my new book purchases entered because with the phone app I can do it in 30 seconds or less!
I LOVE being able to scroll through my book library by viewing the covers! While reading a book, I can add personal notes for future reference and to make the book more searchable for me later ( like a note as to who recommended the book to me)
AND whenever I am having a conversation and want to tell someone about a book that is relevant, I quickly do a search of my collection ( on the app), even if I can’t remember the exact title or author, usually a key word is enough to find it.
Would you believe that my personal library is over 4,500 books? I would be overwhelmed without the Bookcollector products. It is so fun to have the info available right at my fingertips on my cellphone! And to know it is safely stored on the cloud. But even if you only have 100 books (or comics or music), I highly recommend CollectorZ. Truly a great value from a wonderful thoughtful supportive company with years of expert development!
Anita O. (USA)
Jan 23, 2023
Simple to use and excellent updatable database!
Uploaded virtually my ENTIRE personal library (1300 books and counting) over course of a few weekend evenings. The few glitches encountered were entirely self-inflicted. Great personal interaction with app experts (Alwin, Sytske, and team) as needed. Awesome app!
Danny Garcia on CLZ Books Mobile
Jun 17, 2022
Keeps me sane
I have had this app since 2018. This is the one app that has kept me sane. It does everything I need around books. All the memory is stored on the app so I do not have to worry about memory space. I have almost 800 books and this app has made it easier for me to know what I have, keep track of where the book is ( I am able to include notes on a book if I have to lend it out to friends or family) and adding new books is easy. I highly recommend this app to anyone who has or is planning to build their home library.
Quaydiquay (Canada) on CLZ Books Mobile
May 25, 2021
Love this app!!
I've been looking for an easy to use app to catalog my personal library, and CLZ Books is absolutely fantastic! It's better than the classic card catalogs at the libraries. And you won't get hangnails sifting through the cards. I love it so much, I suggested CLZ DVD to my boyfriend and now he uses it to catalog his collection, and my brother uses CLZ Comics for, you guessed it, his collection.
Marita M on CLZ Books Mobile
May 3, 2021
The best
Best personal library app I've used! With the computer version, reports can be printed for insurance purposes. Excellent program!!
Susan Stenberg on CLZ Books Mobile
Mar 8, 2021
Home library
I have a home library of around 350 books, and growing. It was getting to the point where I didn't know which books I owned already. I got CLZ as my home library database and have really enjoyed having it. It's super easy to scan books in or type in the ISBN, and it's easy to search as well. So when I'm at the book store I can quickly see if I already have a book or see what books I'm missing from a particular set. Definitely recommend for anyone with a large home library.
Lauren Rose on CLZ Books Mobile
Dec 8, 2020
This app has completely changed the way I approach my books. Ever tool you could possibly need for identifying and cataloguing ones personal library all wrapped up in one succinct package. Also trying out the Movie and Music versions!
Grogu's Guncle on CLZ Books Mobile
Feb 8, 2020
Personal library
Renee Plouff on CLZ Books Mobile
Dec 29, 2019
Large home library
We are very avid readers and have a large home library. This app keeps a complete list our books so when we are in our local bookstore we are able to see if we already have a copy or not. My only complaint is that not every book is listed in the database so I occasionally have have to manually add a book but that is a very minor inconvenience for what this app does.
Gerald Delgy on CLZ Books Mobile
Dec 19, 2019
Simply the best!
I’m a retired history professor who has a lot of books in my personal library. CLZ Books handles everything brilliantly and makes my research so much easier. Not only that, but if you have a question, or problem, the help is prompt and really helpful. Keep up the good work.
masad92 on CLZ Books Mobile
Oct 31, 2019
The best book organization and book database app on Android
Scanning is easy and fast. It also retrieves the exact edition of your book so your database is accurate as possible. This is a must-have for those who have hundreds of books in their home library like me. I really appreciate that when the app shifted to a subscription-based app, early adopters like me who paid for the app still receive updates for the app. Thank you so much CLZ team!
Shane Comota on CLZ Books Mobile
Oct 8, 2019
Utterly first class
Your app and backup are utterly first class. In fact so professional I am 100% supportive even though its just my home library of 2000 ish books it is wonderful to use and explore.
Mike waterfield (USA)
Aug 12, 2019
The best
The best book database app on Android. Scanning is easy and fast. It also retrieves the exact edition of your book so your database is accurate as possible. This is a must-have for those who have hundreds of books in their home library like me.
Shane Comota on CLZ Books Mobile
Apr 18, 2019
This app is excellent
It allows me to scan in most of my book collection using the ISBN barcode. A small minority of my collection is not in the database yet, but inputting these is not difficult. Finally, I can download a custom CSV of my library to make a spreadsheet. The app interface is efficient and pleasant to interact with. This is app is an ideal took for a book collector like myself to use to catalog a personal library.
Sean Sovine on CLZ Books Mobile
Feb 19, 2019
A great app
I bought this up as a surprise for my husband (a voracious reader). I decided to create a digital catalog of our home library and it makes life so much easier. A great app and a great customer support team!
Olga.I.A on CLZ Books Mobile
Aug 31, 2018
Worth it
Very helpful with keeping track of your home library. I usually don't buy apps but it's been worth it.
Eryn Davis on CLZ Books Mobile
Jul 19, 2018
Excellent program
Yours is an excellent program, which I use and have used extensively for both my academic and personal library for many years. I am currently researching the history of "The Poppy" and "The Tulip" in your regional history as part of a personal biography ( I passed many fields of both during a motorcycle-camping tour of the region in 1957 and remember both the flowers and the desolate appearance of Waterloo...beautiful flowers and memories).
Don Speer (USA)
Feb 2, 2018
Track my home library
An amazing way to track my home library for insurance purposes.
Brandon Michael Queen on CLZ Books Mobile
Sep 6, 2017
Very helpful
So far this application very helpful for my personal library, hope I can use for my church library.
Darius Mangamba on CLZ Books Mobile
Jun 17, 2017
I use this program for my home library and a Church library I manage - Marvellous! I give the parishioners the cloud link and they can check our collection at home.
Anne Meehan Hughes (Australia)
Jun 3, 2017
Wonderfully easy
I wanted something to keep track of my personal library. This is it! Beautiful too.
Reworded on CLZ Books Mobile
May 6, 2017
The perfect solution
Book Collector is the perfect solution for anyone who loves books. It’s extensive functions allow tracking of anything and everything about a book and how it is used, but not daunting if its only purpose is to manage a home library. The website is easy to use and the online manual is well-organized and clearly written.

As a blind computer user with Apple’s screen reader, I am always so grateful to find such a high degree of accessibility in a program like this. It is a blessing to be able to manage my home library without the need for much sighted help.

It is a credit to your programmers that the program is accessible. They obviously took care to meet the guidelines for its support. I suppose that not many blind folks care about books. My blindness came on in my 30s so I had a house full of treasures I wanted to recall, organize and pass along to my son. Audio books have kept me sane but there is nothing like a book in hand and turning a page. I fear before too long too few will be able to know that pleasure.

I have enjoyed working with you. Your communication skills are outstanding. I hope that whoever pays you recognizes the value in that .

If you are ever in the USA and near North Carolina, Do let me know. I would like to thank you in person and buy you dinner for all this effort on my behalf. Truly.

Leslie Stephens (USA)
Mar 10, 2017
This is a great APP!
Easy to use. Great for cataloging your personal library.
Starguardian2000 on CLZ Books Mobile
Dec 10, 2016
Love this APP!
We have found this program to be so helpful to catalog our book collection. The app is a great addition to the software. I am able to add books when I am away from my computer and sync it when I am able. It also helps me to keep from buying a book I already own when I'm out book buying. This has saved me money. The other thing I have used it for is to check where in my home library a book is supposed to be when we can't find it. The pictures are so helpful. I can enter the books on the software the way they are positioned on our shelves and then scroll through the pictures on the app on my iPad to see what shelf the book we're looking for is and what books it is in between. This has saved us so much time.
HeritageCA on CLZ Books Mobile
Jul 2, 2016
Having a blast
I bought Book Collector Pro Edition for my Mac and so far, it has been a godsend to someone like me who has about 3,000 books in my personal library. I also purchased a CLZ Barry to conveniently scan the books and add them to my collection. I’m getting more and more familiar with navigating the Book Collector and I'm having a blast with it!
Joy Masler (USA)
Jun 13, 2016
Excellent App
Really easy to use and a great way to be able to create a Database for your personal library.
chrisalavery on CLZ Books Mobile
May 31, 2016
Perfect app
Have used it to manage our personal library of 3000 hardcovers.
Michael Hayes on CLZ Books Mobile
Apr 19, 2016
Delightful program
Thank you for your speedy responses with answers to my questions. As you explained, my scanner works fine with your software and is making logging my books seem almost magical. My daughter introduced me to your software a couple years ago, but I was slow in getting started – shame on me!
One reason your software is such a gift to me is that about 11 years ago while logging information on about 1500 books on index cards and on my computer, a flood hit our area and our home was affected. I lost about 700 books to the flood and never went back to update my personal library. Since that loss, I’ve purchased many more books to add to those remaining – and inadvertently bought some of them more than once, hence my need for better organization of my books – and with your software I’m quickly updating my records.
Within a short period of time I used my scanner to log nearly 400 books and have asked my granddaughter to come and help me with the rest of the project in a few weeks after she graduates from high school and before she heads off to college. We look forward to working on this project together. What a treat it is to watch those books jump onto the screen with all pertinent information, just by using a scanner and making a few clicks on my keyboard to save what popped up.
I was pleasantly surprised when seeing more book and author details than I was aware of, too – including links for information on Wiki... The list is great and has such a great user-friendly sorter by title or author. When browsing around and clicking on the Images tab and seeing the books lined up on book shelves, I actually leaned back and laughed with surprising joy. Clicking on the Cards tab showed me the little cards complete with each book’s information, and I was amazed.
I’ll highly recommend your software to others and want to thank you so much for this delightful program.
Debra Ice (USA)
Feb 25, 2016
Excellent app
I have been using CLZ Books for 3 years now (on my desktop and more recently on my iPad and iPhone), and it is outstanding for keeping track of my personal library, history of purchases and reading log, and my ratings as well. Totally recommend.
Gaucho_97 on CLZ Books Mobile