The statistics page is great if you want to view information about your entire collection.
This page gathers all the information you have in a collection and shows you totals and recently added.
Example: you want to see which of your comics is worth the most, or want to see the numbers of minor vs major keys.
You can view totals per character, creator, year, grade, and much more!
If you have CovrPrice, you can also view your CovrPrice totals! This will appear in the value totals.
You can see the statistics by doing the following:
- Open the menu by tapping the menu button
- Tap on Statistics (located under “Tools”)
Now you can view the totals of your collection. Including key comic totals and CovrPrice totals.
It will show you the top 5, but you can expand on this by clicking “tap to show all”.
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.