Here’s how you can add/edit discs and tracks:
Adding / Editing Discs and Tracks
Here’s how to get to the Edit Album screen:
- Tap the album you wish to edit
- Tap the Edit Album button:
- Tap on the “Tracks” tab at the top of the Edit Album screen to view the tracks of this album.
- Add a disc using the green “+ Disc” button (top right)
- Remove a disc using the red “- Disc” button at the bottom of the screen.
- Move a disc to a different position by pressing and holding on the blue “Disc #1” button and drag it left or right.
- Add a track: using the green “+ Track” button at the bottom
- Remove a track: by tapping the “recycle bin” next to a track.
- Move a track: Press and hold on a track (use the horizontal lines in front of the track) to drag it to a different position on that disc.
- Edit a track: Use the fields in the track block to edit the track:
- Tap in a track title field to edit the track title.
- Tap “Add Artist” to add a different artist to this track (if the album artist isn’t the artist for that track).
- Tap in the duration field to edit the track time.
When you’re done making changes, tap the Done button at the top right to save the changes to the database and return to the main screen.
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.