This error usually indicates the (older version of the) program was still open at some point while installing or downloading. It can also mean Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox or other software is currently taking a folder or file that Movie Collector uses “hostage”. Here are some things you can try:

Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox is in the way

If you use Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox or something similar, try and exclude the Movie Collector folder in Documents from syncing with Google Drive (or similar).

The older version was still open while installing

If this was the case (this may have happened without you noticing), the fix is to uninstall the current version of the software and then re-install using the instructions below.

  1. Shut down the computer.
    This is essential as it will close any open Movie Collector instances.
  2. Start the computer again.
  3. Uninstall the program by clicking Start (Windows button) > > Uninstall Movie Collector
  4. Reinstall the program from your My CLZ page

The above steps will not affect your database, your database will just open normally after uninstalling and reinstalling the program.

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