With CLZ Scanner all set up, you are now ready to start scanning barcodes!
Scanning barcodes
In the app, use the Scan Mode selector to select which type of collectibles you want to scan.
E.g. to scan comic books, set it to Comics. To scan DVDs and Blu-rays, set it to Movies.
Now just point the camera scan screen at a barcode to scan a barcode and it will instantly appear in the barcode queue at the bottom of your screen.
If the barcode is recognized by our Core online database, the queue entry will include the item’s title and a small cover image.
Just keep scanning more barcodes to add them to your queue.
Syncing barcodes
While you are logged in to the app, it will continuously and automatically sync your barcode queue. No special action needed for that.
So if you, while scanning, have the Add by Barcode (or ISBN) tab open in your CLZ Web software, you will instantly see the scanned barcodes appear in the barcode queue of the Add screen.
Alternatively, open CLZ Web and its Add by Barcode tab later and it will still load the scanned barcodes into your barcode queue.
Also, if you add items to your database in CLZ Web, the barcode will be removed from the barcode queue as normal, but it will also be automatically removed from the barcode queue in your CLZ Scanner app. The syncing system will always automatically keep your barcode queues in sync!
Need more help with this?
Got questions? Contact CLZ support here.