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Delete Orphaned Images

Managing your Database » Maintenance » Delete Orphaned Images

Clean up your hard-disk by deleting all unused cover images and thumbnails. Open the tool using Tools > Maintenance > Delete Orphaned Images This tool scans your configured Images Folders to find all images that are not linked to your current database file. Browse…

Your database and images

Frequently Asked Questions » Your database and images

Download from CLZ Cloud is disabled: “Upload New Fields First” How do I transfer the program, my database and images to another computer? I do not see my data any more. I do not see my images anymore. Can I change the field value for multiple items in…

I do not see my images anymore.

Frequently Asked Questions » Your database and images » I do not see my images anymore.

Here’s how images work in our software: Images are not stored inside the database. The image files are stored separate from your database, in a folder on your computer (most likely in the Data/Images folder under the program’s folder in Documents). The…

Move all userdata and images to a new location

Frequently Asked Questions » Your database and images » Move all userdata and images to a new location

If all settings are default, most game and program data is saved in your Documents > Game Collector folder. It could be that you wish to stop using the default Documents location (maybe you have a new HDD/SSD/Network location that you wish to use. Move all data to…

I do not see my own cover images after syncing.

Frequently Asked Questions » Syncing with CLZ Cloud / Connect » I do not see my own cover images after syncing.

When you sync with CLZ Cloud, the cloud entries will, in general, use the central cover images from Core for Games. Only if you’ve manually modified or added a cover yourself it will be marked as Custom Image and syncs with your CLZ Cloud. Sync Custom…

How do I transfer the program, my database and images to another computer?

Frequently Asked Questions » Your database and images » How do I transfer the program, my database and images to another computer?

I’m transferring my program, data and images from… Windows to Windows

Errors in Sync Report

Troubleshooting » CLZ Cloud Sync problems » Errors in Sync Report

It can happen that something goes wrong during sync. If that happens, you will be notified, and you can check here what the error means: Error downloading/uploading cover Other Messages Clear database in CLZ Cloud Error downloading/uploading cover: A…

Linking your games for CLZ Cloud

CLZ Cloud / Core » Linking your games for CLZ Cloud

Linking your games for syncing with CLZ Cloud Before uploading your games to CLZ Cloud from the Windows or Mac software, you can “link your games”. Game Collector, CLZ Cloud and Linking Game Collector is built around our central online database: Core…

Download from CLZ Cloud is disabled: “Upload New Fields First”

Frequently Asked Questions » Your database and images » Download from CLZ Cloud is disabled: “Upload New Fields First”

To get rid of this message in Game Collector, you need to upload to CLZ Cloud first: Open the CLZ Cloud sync screen in Game Collector via menu “CLZ Cloud > Synchronize” Click “Upload to CLZ Cloud Uncheck all Removals, Additions and Updates (so…

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Your database and images License / Service Plan questions Syncing with CLZ Cloud / Connect

Different number of games in desktop, cloud and app

Troubleshooting » CLZ Cloud Sync problems » Different number of games in desktop, cloud and app

In some rare situations, your desktop, cloud and mobile app database can get “out-of-sync”, causing a different number of games to be listed. The solution is simple, but may take some time. In short: Clear your CLZ Cloud. Upload your most up-to-date…

Creating a Backup

Importing / Exporting » Creating a Backup

Automatic Database Backups Game Collector automatically keeps multiple time-stamped backups of your database file The software keeps multiple time-stamped database backups, saved to your Backups folder as “backup of [yourdatabasename] –…

Windows to Windows

Frequently Asked Questions » Your database and images » How do I transfer the program, my database and images to another computer? » Windows to Windows

Follow the steps below to transfer your program, your database and your images from the old computer to the new computer. 1. Install Game Collector on the new computer Download your latest version of Game Collector from your My CLZ account. Install Game Collector…

Syncing with CLZ Cloud / Connect

Frequently Asked Questions » Syncing with CLZ Cloud / Connect

Merge databases Core, Cloud and Connect explained Which fields are synced? I do not see my own cover images after syncing.

Update File Links

Managing your Database » Maintenance » Update File Links

Your games in Game Collector uses filepaths to show and open actual (image and digital game) files from their original location on your computer. It can only show/open these files if they are in the location that the filepath is telling Game Collector they are. If…

Adding Games Manually

Adding » Adding Games Manually

Adding a game is done with the Add Games Automatically screen. Just let the program download all game details and cover images from the Core for Games online database. If we do not have the game you’re looking for, you can choose to add your game manually.…


Subscriptions and Updates » Subscriptions

The Collector desktop software is subscription software. The subscription fee includes: all software updates 2nd line customer support access to the following CLZ online services: the CLZ Core online database (to get automatic details and cover images) the…

Core, Cloud and Connect explained

Frequently Asked Questions » Syncing with CLZ Cloud / Connect » Core, Cloud and Connect explained

What is Core? Core is the central online database with our item data and cover images In other words, Core is the source of the automatic data and images you get when using the Add Automatically feature in any of our cataloging solutions. The desktop versions have…

About Update Plans / Service Plans

Subscriptions and Updates » About Update Plans / Service Plans

Subscriptions for the desktop software were previously called “Update Plans” or “Service Plans”. On Feb 12, 2019 the desktop software has become subscription software, and the new “Subscriptions” replaced the old “Update…